
(Brent) #1



tarting from the middle of
Benambra, head south east riding
along Limestone Road making sure
you veer left a couple of kays out
of town to continue on Limestone
Road. From here you basically follow
Limestone Road until its end, turning
left onto Snowy River Road. Follow
Snowy River Road north, through
Suggan Buggan, across the border
into New South Wales where you’re


now on the Barry Way.
Again, you basically follow Barry
Way all the way to the roundabout at
Jindabyne, but make sure you stop
at Wallace Craigie Lookout for a rest
and/or the scenery.
These are basic directions, but then
again this is a pretty easy route to
follow. Once you’ve read these, you can
pretty much ‘follow your nose’ and you
won’t get lost – nine times out of ten.

Enjoy, pack for the time of year
and don’t forget to check the
road conditions!

Total distance – 180km
Time – Around 4-5 hours (due
to sightseeing along the way)
Road conditions - Snowy
River Shire Depot Reception
on 02 6451 1000
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