
(nextflipdebug5) #1



Performing low-intensity
aerobic exercise in a fasted
state can advance long-term
performance and weight loss
improvements Discuss.
Why you would: Ordinarily
exercise uses a combination
of glycogen (carbohydrates)
and fat as fuel, but according
to a recent study published in
Sports Medicine, exercising in
a fasted or glycogen-depleted
state causes adaptations in the
body’s fat-oxidising abilities,

causing the body to use fat
for fuel.
Why you wouldn’t: You’re
not going to hit the intensities
to stimulate pro-fat burning
effects such as excessive
post-esercise oxygen
consumption (EPOC) on no
food. “To lose fat there are
more appropriate mindsets
for training and eating,”
says exercise physiologist
personal trainer Jodie Hopkins

“If you are fuelled before
your morning training you
get more bang for your buck:
better performance, more
enjoyment and better fuel
source activation.”
Use it: If you’re keen to
try fasted workouts, perform
them at low absolute intensity
over an extended period, the
study says. To avoid hitting
the wall early, down a carb-
free caffeinated drink before
you start.

Jasmine Alexa
Infusing the sports luxe aesthetic with
gym-specific functionality (like perfect
legging waistlines), local newcomer Jasmine
Alexa is making waves with its monochrome
collection. We can’t get enough of this
mesh-inset crop, which feels like it has
its own air-con.
Broken Hearts Crop, $129.99,

Elevate your side plank by dropping your top elbow and raising your top knee
towards each other. Perform 10 reaches per side, holding at the crunch and
coming back to side plank each time.

Elevate the basic plank by dropping your body down to a push-up position,
elbows bent, and reaching one knee towards the same side elbow. Repeat
one side after the other. Perform 10 touches per side with quick switches
from side to side.

Side Plank with Knee Touch

Basic Plank with Mountain Climber

If you’re chasing a chick-pack, nothing firms your core like
planks performed with perfect form. Amplify your results with
these variations from Holly Barker.



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