
(Greg DeLong) #1
Rough elegance
A space downstairs was cut out of
sandstone to create a master bedroom

  • and warmed up with snuggly layers and
    textures including a cowhide and the
    custom-designed bedhead, upholstered
    in Warwick “Beachcomber” fabric.
    Rock it baby
    This room was initially the couple’s office,
    then transformed into toddler Chloe’s
    bedroom. Walls had been restored after
    water damage and the room painted. DIY
    artworks are made from paint swatches.
    A Rokii rocker sits on Coppola Home rug.

Rising stars
The Silhouette chair, Dominic’s design for
his final furniture major in 2004, sits
alongside the couple’s award-winning and
best-selling Spun table light in Rose Gold.
Classic fashion
Timeless choices for the bathroom mean
that it hasn’t dated since it was installed
more than five years ago. Colour is added
through plant greenery, but otherwise kept
to a minimum. The Moo stool is by Kenan
Wang for Evie Group.

Practical solution
In the back garden, a pond was filled in
as it was a mozzie-breeding ground,
and puppy Ollie kept falling into it! New
plantings were added, including a box
hedge, hydrangeas and gardenias.
The Evolve outdoor furniture setting
is from The Urban Balcony.
Fresh air
Bifold doors open up the living space
so it extends to the outside. Alex, Chloe,
Dominic and Ollie love enjoying time
together on the deck.






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