
(Greg DeLong) #1
Serves 6
Prep time 15 mins
Cooking time 27 mins
(plus 20 mins chilling)

Equipment Sharp knife; chopping
board; fork; mixing bowl; regular
bowl; large saucepan; pastry brush;
baking tray; baking paper

400g sausage meat
(removed from 400g of sausages)
1 tsp English mustard
2 tsp wholegrain mustard
1 tbsp chopped tarragon leaves
1½ tbsp chopped flat-leaf
parsley leaves
12 quail eggs
320g ready-rolled all-butter
puff pastry (such as Carême brand)
1 egg yolk, beaten
2 tbsp poppy seeds, to sprinkle

●^1 Mix the sausage meat together
with the mustards, tarragon and
parsley in a bowl.

●^2 Bring a saucepan of water to
the boil, lower the eggs in and cook
for 2 mins. Drain and transfer the
eggs to a bowl of iced water to cool
quickly, then carefully peel.
●^3 Unroll the pastry and cut into
six 8cm x 13.5cm rectangles. Take
a sixth of the sausage meat, shape
it into an 8cm x 11cm rectangle and
lay two eggs along the middle, nose
to tail. Wrap the sausage meat
around to form a neat roll with the
eggs in the center, and place on
top of a piece of pastry. Brush with
a little beaten egg yolk and roll the
pastry to encase the meat, sealing
the seam with your fingertips.
Repeat with the remaining pastry
rectangles and sausage meat,
then chill for 20 mins.
●^4 l^ Preheat the oven to 200°C and
line a baking tray with baking paper.
Place the sausage rolls on the lined
baking tray. Brush all over with the
beaten egg yolk and sprinkle with
poppy seeds. Bake in the oven for
25 mins, until golden and cooked
through. Serve warm or cold.

Serves 2
Prep time 3 mins
Cooking time 7 mins

Equipment Garlic crusher,
sharp knife; chopping board;
large heavy-based frying pan or
barbecue; bowl; teacup; spatula

200g mixed wild mushrooms,
such as shiitake, oyster or enoki
30g butter
1 garlic clove, crushed
Few thyme sprigs
Handful chopped flat-leaf parsley
4 eggs
Salt & freshly ground black pepper

(^) ●^1 Brush the mushrooms clean
and slice them. Melt half the butter
in a pan over medium heat. Fry
the garlic for 30 seconds, then
add the mushrooms, thyme and
season with salt and pepper.
Increase the heat to high and
cook for 4 to 5 mins, then fold
through the parsley. Remove into
a separate bowl and cover.
(^) ●^2 Melt the remaining butter over
medium heat in the frying pan.
Break two of the eggs into a cup,
being careful not to pierce the
yolks, then pour into the frying pan.
Cover the pan for 30 seconds,
then uncover and cook for about
1½ mins, until the whites have set.
Season and slide the eggs onto
a plate. Cook the remaining eggs
in the same way. Spoon the herby
mushrooms and any butter from the
frying pan over the top and serve.
Small wonders
Source quail eggs
from gourmet or
Asian grocery stores.
French fancy
Serve it simply, with just
the browned buttery
juices from the pan.

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