
(avery) #1


Have you torn a hole in the knee
of your favourite jeans? Patch them
up with the face of a crazy creature!
To do this, get a grown-up to trim
the tear into a neat mouth shape,
then cut a piece of blue cotton fabric
slightly larger than the hole. From
white felt, cut 2 circles for eyes and
a row of top teeth. Use whip stitch
(see below) to attach the mouth,
teeth and eyes, using contrasting
thread. Add
pupils with
black thread in
a circle or cross.

Give one of your long-
sleeved tops a Jurassic
makeover using fabric paint
to illustrate a dino face. To
do this, pop on your top,
then give yourself a great big
hug. Have a grown-up use
chalk to draw upward-facing
jagged teeth on the outside
of the underarm sleeve and
downward-facing teeth on
the upper arm, plus nostrils
and eyes. Remove your top,
taking care not to smudge
the chalk. On a flat surface,
colour the teeth, nostrils and
eyes with white fabric paint.
Let dry. Colour a smaller
circle of black paint on the
nostrils and eyes. Once dry,
it’s likely you’ll need to heat-
set the paint with an iron,
so get an adult to check the
product instructions and
do this bit for you. Roarrr!

Monster patch

Hug a dinosaur

Carry your tucker around
like a rock star! This classic tin
lunch box is all about rock ’n’ roll
with two latches and a hinged
lid, plus there’s 10 stickers
to decorate your case.
Guitar Case Lunch Box,

Guitar hero




Growl for the camera!
Whip stitch

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