
(avery) #1
Here’s how
STEP 1 Setting up and
binding: Thread 8 x 4m
lengths through ring.
Position ring at centre of
lengths (2m in from each
end). Fold cords in half to
create 16 strands hanging
from ring. To bind cords
together beneath ring, take
a 60cm length of cord. Fold
1 end back on itself 8cm to
make a candy cane shape.
Lay candy cane section of
cord on top of the 16 strands,
near ring and hold in place.
Working from bottom upwards
and using loose end of candy
cane, wrap the 16 strands
and neck of candy cane 7
or 8 times. Feed tail through
loop created by top of candy
cane. Pull ends gently until
knot is buried. Trim ends.
Variation Slip wooden
beads onto individual
strands and hold in place
with a knot beneath bead.
STEP 2 Decorative knots at
top: Divide the 16 strands
into 4 groups of 4 strands.
With each set of 4 cords
make a series of square
knots (see Square knot
diagram, page 200). Knots
are decorative and can be
as few or many as you wish.
Most of the planters here
have 7–10 knots. To make
knots that spiral, make the
series with half square knots
instead (see Square knot
diagram, parts a and b only).
STEP 3 Leaving some cord
length unknotted, at height
where you would like top of
pot to begin, make knots to
hold top of pot: Combine 2
strands from 1 series of knots
with 2 strands from series
of knots next to it and make
a square knot, or series of
several square knots. Repeat
3 more times to create 4
sets of knots, always using
2 strands from 1 series and
2 from series next to it.

STEP 4 Leaving some length
unknotted to suit height
of your pot make knots to
hold sides or base of pot:
Combine 2 strands from a
knot created in Step 3 with
2 strands from knot next to it
and make a series of at least
5 square knots, beginning far
enough below the last row
of knots to accommodate
your pot. Put pot in hanging
temporarily at this stage.
Repeat 3 more times to
create 4 sets of knots, always
using 2 strands from 1 set
and 2 from set next to it.
STEP 5 Binding the base:
Using the same binding
process as in Step 1, bind
16 strands together with
second 60cm length.
Inserting pot before fully
tightening binding will make
it easier to slide binding
to best height. Trim ends
20cm below binding.

Gather your supplies
An assortment of recycled
timber crates or supplies to
make your own (sheets of
12mm plywood; PVA glue;
wood screws; power saw;
square; drill and 3mm drill
bit); 20mm timber screws;
2 drawer knobs; 2 lengths
of 12mm rope; wall hook;
undercoat; acrylic paints;
paintbrush; sandpaper

Note If using premade
crates, go to Step 6 for
assembly instructions.

Here’s how
STEP 1 From woven fabric,
cut a rectangle 60 x 34cm
for rectangle cushion or 35
x 35cm for square cushion.
Using zigzag stitch, machine
stitch around edges of woven
fabric to prevent fraying. Using
a photocopier, enlarge cushion
templates (below) to 400%
then to 170% (rectangle) and
150% (square). You will need
to overlap rectangle template
on multiple pages. Transfer
templates to each panel of
woven fabric with a pen,
leaving 1cm seam allowance.
STEP 2 For rectangle, from
white cotton, cut 2 strips 6
x 60cm for the front and a
panel 42 x 60cm for back.
For square, cut 2 strips 7 x
35cm, 2 strips 7 x 45cm and
a 45 x 45cm panel for back.
STEP 3 On square cushion,
following transferred template,
straight stitch 2 diamonds
with red thread. For both
cushions, using raffia colours
as pictured and tapestry

needle, long stitch design
using stitches 1–4cm long.
STEP 4 With right sides facing
and 1cm seam allowance,
stitch a top and bottom white
cotton strip to each woven
panel. For square cushion,
stitch remaining strips to each
side to complete front panel.
STEP 5 With right sides facing,
pin cushion front to back. Stitch
around all sides leaving an
opening on 1 side for turning
through. Turn through.
STEP 6 From cushion insert,
fabric cut 2 panels 40 x 58cm
(rectangle) or 43 x 43cm
(square.) With right sides
facing, pin and stitch around,
leaving an opening on 1 side.
Turn through, stuff with fill and
slip-stitch the opening closed.
Fill cover with cushion insert.
Slip stitch the opening closed.

Gather your supplies
8 x 4m (or longer if making
a double hanger) and 2 x
60cm lengths of rope or
cotton cord; timber curtain
ring; timber beads (optional)

Stitch it cushion templates


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