
(avery) #1
Diagram 1 Diagram 2

a. b.

c. d.

Diagram 1 Diagram 2 Diagram 3

a. b.

c. d.


with 2 left-hand strands
of adjacent set on other
side. Following Steps 4 and
5, make a square knot in
each of these new sets of
strands, positioning knots
about 5cm below first
row of knots (see Second
row diagram, below).
STEP 8 Repeat this process
across the row in both
directions, recombining
strands to create new
4-strand sets. If you’re
having trouble working out
which strand goes where,
use binder clips or twist
ties to hold sets loosely
together across the row.
STEP 9 Keep working
rows in this manner. Each
new row should combine

alternate pairs of strands
and, in every second row,
knots will be made in
same set of strands, so
it’s easy to see if you’ve
made a mistake. At side
edges, you can pull out
edge strand slightly to
create a decorative loop.
STEP 10 When you
get to the bottom, finish
knotting 15cm from end
and trim strands to an
even length. Paint strand
ends with undercoat and
leave to dry. Paint with
2 coats of paint, allowing
to dry after each coat.
STEP 11 Predrill and
screw eye hooks into
dowel. Attach ceiling hooks
to ceiling and hang.

Diagrams Stephen Pollitt, Australian Country Spinners

Square knot diagram

Second row diagram
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