
(avery) #1



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  1. Cotyledon
    Native to Southern Africa through
    to the Arabian Peninsula, cotyledon
    varieties vary in appearance but all
    have tubular flowers with curled tips.
    Cultivation tip: Cotyledons
    will grow in cool conditions and
    frost-prone areas if kept dry during
    the winter. They require plenty of
    sunlight and are summer-flowering.

  2. Aeonium
    Native to the Canary Islands
    and Morocco, the genus comprises
    about 35 species. The fleshy leaves
    often have attractive variations
    and certain species form small
    shrubs of multiple rosettes.
    Cultivation tip: Aeoniums
    grow in winter, so to bring out the
    best colours, ensure they enjoy
    full winter sun and are watered
    throughout the warmer months.
    They can also tolerate shade.

  3. Echeveria
    Thought to be the most varied
    of succulents, echeveria rosettes
    come in a range of colours and can
    be beautifully ruffled. Echeverias
    are native to the Americas.
    Cultivation tip: Mostly summer-
    growing, the leaf colours are more
    vibrant during the cooler months.
    Once established, echeverias can

tolerate extended drought but will
grow more profusely if watered
during the warm seasons.

  1. Agave
    With over 200 species, Agaves
    are native to the US, Mexico, the
    Caribbean and South America.
    The leaves are strong, sturdy
    and plump in appearance.
    Cultivation tip: Agaves are
    generally slow-growing and will
    tolerate full sun to light shade.
    They’re extremely hardy and will
    survive drought conditions as well as
    frost. You’ll only need to water once
    every 1–2 months during winter.

  2. Senecio
    Senecio is a large genus from
    all over the world, only some of
    which are succulents. There are
    species that grow into large bushy
    plants, though the most popular are
    the ground-covering succulents,
    particularly those with grey or
    blue leaves. These are useful for
    contrast in container plantings.
    Cultivation tip: Senecio
    prefers a sunny position and
    well-draining, sandy soil. Once
    established, they require little in
    the way of maintenance. Keep
    well-watered during the warmer
    months and drier in winter.

5 sensational succulents

Cotyledon orbiculata

Aeonium arboreum

Echeveria elegans

Agave attenuata Senecio serpens

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