
(Grace) #1

Grooming: Gina Kay Osborne/True Beauty Marks; MITCH MANDEL (BBOE)

Reverse Burpee
A ssume a pushup p osi ti o n w i th yo ur hands sligh tl y fo r ward of yo ur sho uld er s. Sl ow l y walk yo ur hands b ac k toward
your feet until you’re in a position to jump up. Quickly explode upward, reaching for the sky.

Single-Leg Plank Walkout
Stand tall on your left leg. Place your hands on the floor and, keeping your right foot in the air, walk
your hands out until you’re at least in a high plank position. Reverse the move and switch legs.

Bench Hop
Stand next to a bench with your feet together, and grasp it by its sides with both hands. Keeping your hands in place,
hop over the bench, landing on the opposite side. Immediately hop back.


Start with the warmup,
and then move on to the
main event. Complete your
workout with the finisher.


Start a timer and perform
as many single - leg plank
walkouts as you can.

Time: 5 to 10 minutes


Complete the supersets in
the order shown below
for 6, 8, or 10 minutes each,
depending on your time
or fitness level. So in 1, for
example, you’d do low box
plank steppers for 20 sec-
onds, rest 10 seconds, then
low box lateral runners for
20 seconds, then rest 10
seconds. Repeat for a total
of 6, 8 , or 10 minutes; move
on to the next superset.

1.Low box plank stepper
+ low box lateral runner
Time: 20 seconds on,
10 seconds off

  1. Band jack pull-apart

    • bear crawl to
      explosive pushup
      Time: 20 seconds on,
      10 seconds off

3.Box thruster +
Sandbag reverse lunge
Time: 40 seconds on,
20 seconds off

4.Kettlebell shuffle
swing + bench hop
Time: 20 seconds on,
10 seconds off


Start a timer and do as many
reverse burpees as you can.
Time: 5 to 10 minutes

Trainer:BJ Gaddour, C.S.C.S.,
MH fitness director and creator
of the 21-Day MetaShred
T i m e: 3 4 to 6 0 m i nu te s

Bear Crawl to Explosive Pushup
Get down on all fours, your knees a couple of inches off
the floor. Kick your legs out and drop your body toward
the ground. Explosively push back up and return to all
fours with your knees raised as before.

Band Jack Pull-Apart
Hold a resistance band at chest height out in
front of you. Pull your arms back and out as far as
you can as you jump your feet out.
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