
(Grace) #1
30 | December 2016

Dan Saelinger/Trunk Archive (rocket), RYAN O. (gl

oves), STEVE SANFORD (Court)



You’ve seen the ads and perhaps scanned the list of
exotic ingredients: yohimbine, horny goat weed, arginine,
maca, ginkgo biloba. The promise: erections like a 19-
year-old’s, rock-hard and reliable, and for less money
and hassle than Viagra—no prescription needed. Men
sp end hundre ds of tho usands eac h year fo r these sup -
plements. Yet they haven’t been proven to work.
What’s more, some “herbal” supplements are any-
thing but. As of this past September, the FDA had found
32 with the same active ingredients used in ED drugs
like Viagra, Cialis, or Levitra, or chemicals so close that
they work the same way. It makes sense: If a company
wants to hook you, relying on herbs alone is risky. Add
real medicine and its magic formula may seem to work.
So w hat ’s w ro ng w i th V iagr a in yo ur her bs? F o r o ne
thing, you don’t know how much is in there. Plus, if you
have diabetes, high BP, or heart disease, you could end

up having killer sex—literally. These drugs expand blood
vessels, which is perilous for folks with these conditions.
Even if you’re healthy, you still don’t know what chem-
icals are in that pill. The active ingredients are probably
counterfeit, but they’re still strong. Plus, they’re produced
under lax supervision in some basement lab.
So why are they allowed? A 1994 law (pushed by the
supplement industry) says herbal supps don’t have to
b e F DA tes te d o r ap prove d b efo re they go o n sale. I f the
FDA does find an illegal or unlisted ingredient, it asks for
a voluntary recall (and issues consumer alerts; visit and search “tainted sexual enhancement prod-
ucts” for a list). This is a largely cat-and-mouse game,
and the mouse usually gets away.
Bottom line: Visit a doctor, not a convenience store,
for ED. Some drugmakers offer discounts for prescription
ED drugs—without the steep price for your health.

Are You Getting Stiffed?

Those “herbal” male-enhancement supplements don’t work as claimed.
Worse, some contain dangerous drugs. Here’s what you need to know.


for Liftoff

Your increased risk of
being in a car crash if you’re
an angry driver
Source: Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, Toronto

Run Intervals Losing excess
weight can help boost your
libido, says Jamin Brahmbhatt,
M.D., a urologist with Orlando
Health. High-intensity interval
training is a proven fat burner.
Dr. Brahmbhatt runs for 20
minutes straight, alternating
between sprints and jogs.

Stick to the Scrip If you’re on
statins for high cholesterol, keep
taking them: They may aid erec-
tile health, a new Greek study
suggests. As it turns out, they
boost your blood vessels’ ability
to expand and contract, which
helps more blood reach your
penis faster. That’s a good thing.

Lay Off the Porn About a quar-
ter of men seeking treatment
for ED are under 40; for many of
them, it’s due to performance
anxiety. “Men watch porn and
think they have to last for hours,”
Dr. Brahmbhatt says. Don’t buy
in: Intercourse lasts about 5 to 8
minutes, he says.

WORKS FOR US I’m a reluctant winter
runner and need pampering to stay
out in the cold. The North Face Runners
2 Etip ($30, are
gloves made of lightweight fleece to
keep my mitts warm. They have conduc-
tive fingertips so I can easily skip songs
or find a fresh podcast, and they’re great
p a l m p rote c to r s i f I wa nt to p u m p ou t a
few pushups outdoors. I also wear them
when grilling outside so that I can start
the timer easily and know when to flip the
rib eyes. —Ben Court, features editor

T h re e s i m p l e ways to s o l ve
the hard problem of ED.
Free download pdf