58 MensHealth.com | December 2016
Gluteus Medius
Gluteus Minimus
These muscles
assist the gluteus
maximus when
you raise your leg to
the side. They also
rotate your thigh out-
ward when your leg
is straight, and inward
w h e n you r h i p i s b e nt.
Key move:
Bench side leg raise
Gluteus Maximus
It helps you hold
your torso upright
and straight.
Key move:
Single-leg hip raise
Grooming: Gina Kay Osborne/True Beauty Marks; SCIEPRO (anatomical illustration), +ISM (workout illustrations)
for endurance, power, and pain
prevention,” says Jordan Metzl,
M.D., a sports medicine physician
in New York City. Four months
after Olson started targeting his
glutes, his back pain was virtu-
ally gone. “There were so many
other positive cascade effects,
too,” he says. “I was more flexi-
ble, my posture improved, and
I had more muscle. Everything
from walking up the stairs to
playing softball felt better.”
Avoid Injury
Your butt consists of three dis-
tinct muscles—the gluteus max-
imus, gluteus medius, and
gluteus minimus—that attach
your torso to your legs along
a number of points, including
the sacrum, pelvis, and femur.
Your glutes make it possible for
you to walk upright, move and
swivel your hips every which
way, and rotate your legs. “A
weak butt puts more pressure
on your lower back, knees, ham-
strings, and hips, increasing
the likelihood of a strain,” says
Dr. Metzl. He sees many men in
his office with conditions that
can be chalked up to poor glute
strength, especially lower back
pain and Achilles tendinitis.
Have More Horsepower
Pro sports scouts are ass men.
That’s because a strong butt is
critical to any exercise requir-
ing speed and strength. Think
of your backside like an engine,
says Dr. Metzl. It powers you
forward and helps you harness
the force from other muscles for
even more strength and speed.
Doing your favorite activities on
a weak, underdeveloped rear is
like trying to run your car with a
lawnmower engine.
“Whether you’re lifting,
jumping, sprinting, or shooting
a basketball, your glutes are key
to tapping into that explosive
push-off strength that comes
from extending your hips,” says
Dr. Metzl. That power’s not just
for smashing a tennis or golf
ball, jumping for a rebound, or
pulling a big deadlift; the extra
juice can also give you more
endurance for a hike or run or
even when shoveling snow.
Supplement Your Training
The number one mistake guys
make is assuming that they’ve
got their glutes covered by their
favorite activity or through exer-
cises like squats and lunges, says
sports scientist Bret Contreras,
Your Power
The hip hinge, which is
mainly controlled from
your glutes, is involved in
everything from jump ing
and deadlifting to driv-
ing a golf ball, says Bret
Contreras, Ph.D., C.S.C.S.
Here’s how it helps you
generate power.
1 / Hinge
As you draw your hips
back, the muscles and
tendons around your
hamstrings and glutes
activate and stretch. This
creates what scientists
call passive elastic ten-
sion, the same energy
stored in a stretched rub-
ber band. Really feel the
s tretc h to l o ad u p p owe r.
2 / Explode
Snapping your hips
forward draws on that
tension and frees up
energy, setting off a
chain reaction that
extends your hips. As
you near the end of the
extension, make sure
you thrust fully forward.
Doing that locks out your
hips and makes your
glutes fire even harder.
Ph.D., C.S.C.S. “To really improve
your overall strength and perfor-
mance, limit injury, and change
the way you look in a pair of tight
pants, you need to train your
glutes directly and more often.”
(To do that, see “Fire Up Your
Hustle Muscles,” page 127.)
Like Olson, Tyler Fiorillo, a
25-year-old law student in New
York City, knows firsthand what
working the glutes can do.
When he added two targeted
glute exercises—a hip thrust and
a standing kickback using a
resistance band—to his regularly
scheduled leg presses, his per-
formance exploded. “They were
such small movements, but
some months later I surpassed
my squat and deadlift goals by
about 50 pounds.”
After Fiorillo restructured his
program by adding glute exer-
cises, he had to buy new draw-
string shorts—he’d dropped
15 pounds. Your glutes are the
largest muscles in your body,
so working them has a huge
calorie-burning benefit. “I hear
it all the time from guys who
start training their glutes—they
get more compliments from
women and feel better about
their physique,” says Contreras.
Fitness + Muscle