
(Grace) #1

Style + Grooming

Styling: Brian Boy

é; grooming: Marco Castro/Defacto Inc.; HUBERT TERESZKIEWICZ (icons)

St yle 911

My Clothes Don’t

Fit My New Job

The Problem
Grant Gillespie was in the best shape
of his life when he interviewed for
a business development gig at a
Manhattan startup. But his confidence quickly
faded when the interviewer noticed his outfit
and told him to lose the jacket and tie. Gillespie,
31, got the nod, but he knew he’d have to change
his look. His earlier jobs in branding at a gym
chain and a media company left him with noth-
ing but hoodies and ill-fitting suits. “I have baggy
suits from one job and yoga pants from the
other,” Gillespie says. It was time to upgrade.

The Solution
Gillespie says his new boss usually
wears jeans and a button-down to
work, with the occasional sweater.
But since Gillespie meets with outside clients, we
needed to give him a look that worked equally
well in a casual office and a more formal business
setting. Dark denim with a patterned collared
shirt strikes that balance. On their own they look
fresh and creative; with a tie or a sport coat they
dress right up. We also traded the traditional silk
ties for less formal knit, wool, and cashmere.

The Goods
For Gillespie’s new look, we turned
to the Net-centric brand Bonobos.
Its website features versatile options
from fitness gear to tailored jackets. The shirt’s
spread collar is dressy, but the floral print lends
it a cool, casual vibe that departs from Gillespie’s
preferred (and more conservative) checks or ging-
ham. Fit was important; he was used to wearing
a size larger than he needed. Finally, we added
dark, slim-fit jeans and a blazer. This time we’re
confident his boss won’t be telling him to lose it.

A slimmer physique and a new,
more casual job rendered his old
wardrobe obsolete. By Brian Boyé

Keep a gray
sport coat or
navy blazer
on hand so you’re
always ready
for an impromptu

Bonobos blazer, $900; shirt,
$98; tie, $68; jeans, $198;
Crosby Square shoes, $345;
L.L. Bean belt, $69
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