
(Grace) #1
December 2016 | 81


When our friends set me and
Diana up on a blind date, they
figured we’d bond because
of our pets. They were right.
We’d take my elderly husky,
Lucky, and her rambunctious
chocolate Lab, Dylan, to the
park, the beach, or each other’s
apartments. A year passed. The
relationship had substance in
an easygoing sort of way. Then,
boom: It wasn’t easy. Our dogs

were sick—Lucky with hip prob-
lems, Dylan with lymphoma.
The truth is, it sucked. The truth
is also that it showed me I had
stumbled onto a partner with a
big heart. Diana was there as
we shoved pills down Lucky’s
throat and carried him outside to
pee. She was there during his
final hours, holding his paw and
my hand as the vet ended his
misery. Any doubts I’d had about
who would be the mother of
my children left. Nine months
later, as I stood beside Diana
while Dylan’s battle with cancer
ended, we were already married.

When She Knew Too

“I took him to a Cardinals
game, and he tolerated me
heckling the pitcher. By
the end of the game, he’d
joined in.” —AMY G.

“As he walked by, he gave
me this huge sm ile — and
ran smack into a wall. We
laughed about it.” —DINA M.

“I told him I’d probably never
marry him, and he didn’t
k i c k me o u t. (I ’ ve b e en his
wife for a year and haven’t
looked back.)” —NAOMI P.

“He brought a piece of cake
to his Nonna, who had
Parkinson’s, and helped
feed it to her.” —JENNIFER M.

“He got busted for peeing
on a house, which I found
hilarious. It wasn’t yet
capital-L love, but it was the
start of my crush.” —KIERA A.

“ O ne nigh t in pub li c , dr unk , I
pointed to my finger and
yelled, ‘One carat! Round
cut!’ He didn’t run; I knew he
was the one.” —CHRISTINE M.

When She
Helped Put
Lucky Down

When fate smiles
upon you and
looks this good,
smile back.
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