
(ff) #1


Cook Up

Your Form
Six-pack abs are made in the
kitchen. Optimise your dinner
plans to extract excess weight

Scale It Up
Time taken: 3 weeks
The bathroom scales are
as good a place to start
as any. Men who weigh
themselves every morning
lose an average of 9.2kg
over six months, compared
to an average 3.1kg for non-
weighers, the Journal of
the Academy of Nutrition
and Dietetics reports. You’ll
be tipping them in your
favour well inside a month.

Israeli scientists found people who eat big breakfasts

lose 2.5 times more weight than meal-skippers, equating

to a potential 10% bodyweight loss within 30 days

Dish Out Benefits
Time taken: 2 weeks
Small plates limit your food
intake by 30%, says Bond
University, while subjects
using blue crockery pile up
22% less. Combine the two.

Retune Your Hunger
Time taken: 2 weeks
We eat less when we can hear
ourselves chew, according to
Food Quality and Preference
journal. Put Spotify on mute.

Trim The Fat
Time taken: 2 weeks
Cooking oils can contribute
up to 250 calories a day. Swap
2tbsp of oil for diluted soy
sauce and not only will you
cut out calories, soy’s umami
effect will ward off cravings.

Eyes On The Prize
Time taken: 1 month
A Health Education Behaviour
study found that people who
keep fruit on display weigh
up to 12kg less than those who
store sugary snacks in sight.

  1. A Question Of Sport
    Time taken: 1 month
    Looking to supplement your gym sessions with something
    more engaging? Here’s how many calories an hour of your
    favourite sports burn, and how many sessions you need to
    schedule in order to shift that kilo. AstroTurfs at the ready...

Five-a-side football

: 909kcal; 9 sessions

Mountain biking:

773kcal; 10 sessions


727kcal; 11 sessions

Ultimate Frisbee:

727kcal; 11 sessions


436kcal; 18 sessions


273kcal; 28 sessions

Walking the dog:

140kcal; 55 sessions

See the funny side. Men who
laugh for 15 minutes a day
torch this many extra calories


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