
(ff) #1




Your 9-5 is a minefield, with
stress and sedentarism adding
kilos. Make it work for you


Paying by cash instead of card reduces your monthly

junk-food orders by 23%, reports Cornell University


Supp It In
If you’re looking for a quick cut
rather than a marathon effort,
there’s nothing wrong with roping
in supplementary assistance.
Here are the best pills to swallow

Carve Out Cravings
Time taken: 3 weeks
You might not be able to
pronounce it, but the tropical
fruit garcinia cambogia
inhibits the production of
fat-producing enzymes while
releasing serotonin to calm
your sugar cravings. In a
recent study review, it helped
subjects cut an average of
1.76kg over four weeks.
Garcinia Cambogia Capsules

Unlock Fat Cells
Time taken: 1.5 weeks
A triple threat, Meratrim helps
your cells accumulate less fat,
burn stored fat and makes it
more difficult for fat cells to
multiply. The herbal supp was
found to shave 5.2kg (and 4.7in
from participants’ waists) over
the course of eight weeks.
Ultra Laboratories Meratrim

Hack And Burn
Time taken: 2 weeks
Irvingia gabonensis, or
African mango, is high in
a water-soluble fibre that
turns to a satiating gel once
digested. In a recent study,
volunteers given 150mg, three
times a day, lost 6.3% of their
body fat over 10 weeks.
African Mango Green Tea £10

Cut To The Chase
Time taken: 1 week
Sinister-sounding fat-loss
pill ‘Hydroxycut’ has some
pretty positive effects. Its
primary ingredient – veldt
grape – led to 4.8kg weightloss
in a six-week study from
the University of Yaoundé,
Cameroon. Plus it’s caffeine-
free, for those who enjoy
being able to sleep at night.
Pro Clinical Hydroxycut £9.99

6.48am: Do Your Homework
According to Yale scientists, back
pain triggers overeating. Limber up
first thing with an activity you enjoy:
viewing exercise as fun, not a chore,
reduces subsequent snacking.

1.23pm: Take A Long Lunch
Whether al desko or fresco, studies
by Weill Cornell Medical College
found eating your protein 15 minutes
before your carbs lowers blood
sugar by 37%, for less fat storage.

10.02am: Be Upstanding
According to the Uni of Iowa, men
who stand for an extra hour a day
burn 87 additional calories. Triple
your standing time by investing in
an adjustable sit-stand desk.

3.01pm: Hit The Drink
Ditch cortisol-boosting caffeinated
coffees in favour of H 2 O and your
gut will thank you. Virginia Tech
found a pint of cool water pre-meal
leads to 44% greater weightloss.

4.30pm: Now Tap Out
Rhythmically tapping your toes as
you ponder ‘snack time’ is proven to
cut cravings. It disrupts your image
of food, reports Mt Sinai St Luke’s
Hospital, reducing impulsivity.
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