
(ff) #1

Men eat 35% fewer calories with a partner, so make cheat day date night


Restock Your Gym Bag

Leaning up is the perfect excuse to add some new weight to your kit bag.
This is our pick. Don’t thank us until you’ve suffered through a few sets...

Now Keep The

Weight Off
Time taken: The rest of your life
The inescapable truth is that it’s easier
to eat calories than burn them, so if you
only have time for one adjustment, make
it a diet overhaul. The American Medical
Association found cutting your daily
calories by 200 (a latte, say) will lead you
to naturally make other changes, helping
you avoid regaining the 71% of weight most
people put on after a crash diet. Good luck.

Weigh Your Options
Time taken: 3 weeks
The Facts: Not only will you
feel like a Marine, wearing
a weighted vest during cardio
can boost calorie burn by 10%.
Use It: A quick bit of maths
reveals that 12 weighted
four-mile slogs should suffice
to sear away a kilo of fat.
Men’s Health 10kg Weighted
V k

Skip The Cardio
Time taken: 3 weeks
The Facts: Jumping rope
is the professional pugilist’s
torture method of choice,
and with very good reason.
Use It: Two 15-minute blasts
per day will tie up 350 calories,
getting you ring-ready when
each second counts.
Men’s Health Weighted
Skipping Rope £10

Band Together
Time taken: 1 month
The Facts: Incorporating
a resistance band into your
workout burns 150-250 extra
calories in 30 minutes.
Use It: Complete 10 minutes
of squats per day with the band
under your feet, ends in your
hands, to burn a kilo in 30 days.
Men’s Health Resistance
Bands Set £33

Sanded Abs
Time taken: 1 week
The Facts: Adding this very
heavy, cumbersome bag to
your workout can burn up to
400 calories in 25 minutes.
Use It: Clean it, press it, then
put it back down again. Sprint
back and forth with it in your
arms. Use it to add imbalance
to your bodyweight squats.
Basically, go nuts with it.
Men’s Health Sandbag Trainer

Swing It To Win
Time taken: 2 weeks
The Facts: Half an hour of
explosive kettlebell swing sets
will blast through 300 calories.
Use It: Aim for about 300
swings per day. Hold the bell
between your knees, then
thrust your hips to power it
up to shoulder height for
optimum – and impressively
macho – fat burning.
Men’s Health Kettlebell

Vest £55

Swing It To Win

Increasing your ‘brown fat’ helps
you burn 500 extra calories a day.
Boost yours with an icy shower




Roll Up
Time taken: 1 month
The Facts: The American
Council On Exercise reckons
a 15-minute session with the
roller burns 100 calories.
Use It: Unpack this whenever
you’ve time to kill (binge
watching TV, waiting for the
oven to heat up, etc). Regular
sessions will flatten a kilo –
and your gut – in four weeks.
Men’s Health Ab Wheel
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