
(Romina) #1

Cosmopolitan ^ DECEMBER 2016 ^157

love lust

i mag




“i made the

mistake of assuming

we were actually on a

date. she certainly didn’t

think so, and chose to

laugh in my face after

the movie ended.”

“i spilled red wine on
my brand-new polo
shirt. i had nothing to
change into, so we
went back to my house
and she met my
parents while i
changed. Ended up
being okay, though. we
stuck around, took
shots and whipped
their butts at scrabble.”
tehan, 24

“i laughed so hard that
a snot bubble came out
of my nose.”
faizal, 22

“i met her father.
i meant to say
‘pleasure to meet
you’. i ended up
saying ‘i am
pleasure’. ugh.”
janaka, 20

“i once forgot to take
my wallet when i
asked my date out to
a really posh dinner
on her birthday. she
had to pick up the
expensive tab.”
shehan, 24

“not sure how it came
up, but my date was
talking about her hips
when i told her they
were great for birthing.
i did it in a joking/
teasing way, but it was
still a bit cringe-
salesh, 27

“i threw my phone
across the bar to
demonstrate how
indestructible it was.
i don’t know why
i did that.”
ashan, 19

“i forgot that she was a
vegetarian and had her
try fried rice that
contained small pieces
of bacon.”
kavindu, 21

“i once had to inform my
date that she had got
her period.”
mohan, 22

“we were chatting over
dinner, and i thought i
was doing fine...Until
this guy who was sitting
at the next table
beckoned me over and

said, “i can’t help but
notice you are talking a
lot. you should let her
speak more!”
jason, 24

“i texted the girl i was
with to ask her if she
wanted to kiss me. i
was young and scared,
pasindu, 24

“i elbowed her in the
face while we were
cuddling and gave her
a black eye.”
tariq, 23
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