
(Romina) #1
a rt dirECtion:
sanora rodrigo;
medhavi suriarachchi
p hotographEr’s
lakWin madushanka


y family
and I
moved to
Sri Lanka
it was a great hub from
which I could continue my
work, and a country where
I desired to do so much.
There’s a huge amount of
shelters all over the island,
but not enough vocational
training within to allow
girls to transition into a
normal life. Additionally,
street harassment is such an
issue. What’s most worrying
is that the behaviour of men
from the “lost generation”
(those who gave up their
moral compass during the
war) is now being emulated
by their sons—along
with the added negative
influence of the Internet.

How do you remedy it? You
can’t react with violence.
The solution lies in
education and awareness.
Not every man thinks you
need to be fighting for
women’s rights, but what’s
inspirational about the
younger generation is that
they want to be empowered,
they want to learn and they
want to make a change.

Looking back on that day
in hospital, I now know
why I survived. And by

doing what I love and am
passionate about, I am
more balanced. I like to tell
immensely career-minded
women that there doesn’t
have to be this competition:
If you’re good at your job,
you’ll succeed. Believe in
yourself, push away the
fear that another woman is
out to get you and focus on
doing your best.

In my field, I often find
women are less judgmental,
understanding each other’s
problems because they keep
an open mind. They know
when not to ask you too
many questions. They’ll
just give you a hug and a
shoulder to cry on. And
by hearing one another’s
stories, it brings about a
feeling of catharsis and a
sense that no matter what
you’ve gone through, you
can rise above it and make
something of yourself.

In baking, and in life, you
have to start small, using
recipes and scales. Once you
get more confident, you can
begin to tweak it a bit, until
you have the recipe you
love, and the circumstances
that suit you best. For me?
I like my cakes with Earl
Grey tea and a slice of
lemon, always with Nina
Simone on the radio.

in baking, and in life, you have to start

small, using recipes and scales. once

you get more confident, you can begin to

tWeak it a bit, until you have the recipe

you love, and the circumstances that

suit you best. for me? i like my cakes

With earl grey tea and a slice of lemon,

alWays With nina simone on the radio.



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