
(Brent) #1
womensrunninguk.co.uk MARCH 2017 35


The Long Run
The long run is an important element of
training but we can often get obsessed with
it, especially when training for a marathon.
The key to your longest session of the week
is to work at a conversational pace that is
at a perceived effort level of 6.5-7 out of

  1. These runs or run/walks improve your
    muscular endurance, running efficiency and
    your ability to burn fat as its primary fuel
    source. They improve your aerobic system.
    Towards the later stages of your training,
    we’ll include some race-pace practice in your
    long run. This helps your body to get used to
    running at your target pace on tired legs.

Threshold Runs
Threshold sessions are one of your most
valuable workouts but they do require some
effort. They are run at a level of ‘controlled
discomfort’, which is at a perceived effort
level of 8-8.5 out of 10. You will find that
these sessions require concentration,
but they will greatly improve your speed

Kenyan Hills
Hill running of all types develops the
strength in your leg muscles and tendons
without putting them under the type of
stress they are exposed to during faster
running. Run up a 5-7% gradient for 45-60
seconds (increase up to 2 minutes when
experienced) at a solid, steady pace. Turn
immediately at the top and run down the
hill at the same effort level with a relaxed
running style, then turn and repeat without
any recovery. Full Potential’s Keith Anderson
discovered this type of hill session when he
trained in Kenya with some top elite Kenyan
athletes – so that’s why we call them ‘Kenyan
hills’. They are one of the Kenyans’ main
conditioning sessions. Like a threshold run,
during a Kenyan hill session you should be
working at about 8 – 8.5 out of 10 and be
able to utter about four or five words. Check
out the Full Potenital YouTube channel
(fullpotentialvideo) for our Guide to Hill
Running, where Keith talks about hills and
demonstrates a Kenyan Hills session with
my colleagues.

This is a Swedish term that literally means
“speed play”. It involves a number of bursts
of effort over a variety of distances with
a variable recovery. Originally, the length
of effort was based on the terrain – for

example, pushing harder every time you
came to a climb, no matter how long it was.
But you can adapt it for your needs. This is
a great way of introducing some faster work
into your training.

Interval Training or Speed Work
Interval training allows you to practise
specific race-pace speed and involves
running timed efforts with a controlled timed
recovery. The perceived effort level is 8.5
or more out of 10 and this is where you can
only utter a couple of words at most.

Steady Runs
Steady running is carried out at a perceived
effort level of 7.5-8 out of 10 and is
running at a level of some discomfort. A
lot of runners do most of their running at
this effort level because they feel they are
working but it’s not focused enough to be
of real benefit. Furthermore, it’s not easy
enough to promote recovery. We do however
use this level of training when trying to
develop your training towards threshold
effort or increasing general workload.

Race Pace Practice
Understanding the pace you can run your
race at is very important, particularly in
a marathon. Pace judgment is crucial to
running your best race. Race pace practice
allows your body and mind to get used to
what will be required on the big day so you
need to practise this during your training.

Warming Up
When you are going to do any faster
running, threshold runs, intervals or a race,
it’s important to warm up gradually. A 10-
to 15-minute easy effort jog or brisk walk
allows your muscles to warm up. It allows
your muscles, joints and tendons to improve
their range of movement. Furthermore,
it enables your cardiovascular system to
prepare for the harder work to be carried
out by gradually increasing your heart rate.
Warm-ups should also include dynamic
stretching and mobilisation work.

Cooling Down
A period of at least 10 to 15 minutes’ easy
effort jogging/walking and light static
stretching allows your body to adjust back
to a steady state mentally and physically.
Cooling down stops blood pooling in your
legs and helps remove some of the waste
products, such as lactate and acid, from the

muscle cells, which helps to avoid undue
muscle soreness.

Recovery Run
Training for endurance requires your body
to work hard but, to see improvement, this
has to be done without you getting ill or
injured. You therefore need some recovery
runs and these should be run at a very easy
and relaxed effort. You should be breathing
easily and able to hold a conversation
throughout the run. Your effort level should
be at around 6-6.5 out of 10. These runs
should be no more than 45 minutes in
duration. This allows your body to adapt to
the training workload and therefore improve.
It also helps with the removal of the waste
products, which accumulate in your muscles
after harder efforts. Recovery runs are a vital
component of any training plan to allow
adaptation to training and progression to
increasing workloads without injury.

Cross-Training / Strength and
It is important that your training is balanced
with some non-impact cross-training such
as swimming, cycling, rowing, using an
elliptical trainer, Pilates and yoga. Otherwise,
you are more likely to pick up an injury
that will set back your training. Endurance
running requires whole-body conditioning.
To achieve this, you should work a variety of
muscle groups and not just your legs. Core
and upper body exercises that are dynamic
are best to do so that they imitate the loads
your body will come under while running.
Cross-training with strength and conditioning
work should always compliment your
running. It should not be so intense that you
are left too tired to complete runs to the best
of your ability.

To help your body cope with the training
load, rest is going to be as important a part
of your training schedule as the running.
Listen to your body and take heed of any
warning signs. If you feel fatigued even
before you’ve run a step, find yourself
thinking up excuses not to run or start
suffering a series of minor injuries, you
probably need some more time off. Taking
enough rest allows physical and mental
recovery and gives your body the time to
adapt to your workload before progression.
Remember a rest day means a complete rest
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