
(Brent) #1
Dear Younger Self,
It's me, Sue, your Older Self, and I've sat down today to see if I can help you learn from
what I've experienced these past 44 years. One day your husband's running achievements
will inspire you to take up running and, even though you've never liked exercise, you'll
find that, much to your surprise, you can actually do it – and enjoy it (mostly!). It'll be a
zero to 5K app (something that hasn't been invented yet) that gets you started and, after
an exhausting few tries, you'll quickly improve. When you achieve your goal (a 5K parkrun,
another futuristic invention), your friends and family will be there to cheer you on and
you'll feel amazing. It'll be worth the aching legs and sweaty face.
If you're feeling apprehensive about all of this, don't be. Don't be afraid to try running,
don't sit there watching rubbish sci-fi on TV thinking exercise isn't for you

  • give it a

go! And just so you know, there will be zombie runs
when you take up running. How cool is that? You're
going to have good runs and hard runs: enjoy the
good and learn from the hard. But whatever you do,
don't give up.

You may have 34H boobs, but don't dare use them as
an excuse to avoid running – just find yourself a
proper sports bra and use Lycra tops to disguise any
bouncing. They're very stretchy and will fit over
simply anything. Hurrah!
Never feel that walking during a run is failing.
If you need a short rest, have it, then start to
run again. Being fast doesn't matter. Being able to
breathe at the end does!
With fondest love, Sue

“You’ll discover

that running

beats watching

rubbish TV”

Sue Hewing, 44, Chelmsford


womensrunninguk.co.uk MARCH 2017 51

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