iD Ideas Discoveries March 2017

(ff) #1


The biggest threat to airline passengers’ safety isn’t
always inside a plane—it’s what may be lurking outside.
But a very special employee is on the job. PAGE 6

After the hackers from the story on page 8 have wreaked
havoc on the electrical grid, someone will have to go
out there and repair those lines... PAGE 56

Their bodies are literally teeming with viruses, yet these
winged mammals don’t get sick. Could the key to better
health lie in the genes of fruit bats? PAGE 22

The real identity of the best hackers in the world may
shock you. You might even say their work is effortless,
because it comes so naturally... PAGE 8

A ricocheting bullet can be even more dangerous than
the initial shot: 10 fascinating facts about the physics
of defl ected projectiles. PAGE 70

Nowhere is the gulf between the haves and have-nots
more evident than in the quest for potable water. There
is only so much of it on Earth... PAGE 28



Mar 2017 4

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