iD Ideas Discoveries March 2017

(ff) #1


here’s hardly any mention
of this date in the history
books, but it is actually the
most significant sequence
of numbers since the end of World
War II: 2951954, 29th of May 1954.
On this day, the Bilderberg Group
met for the first time—at Hotel de
Bilderberg in Oosterbeek, Holland.
Since that first three-day summit,
the Bilderberg Conference has been
held every year—it involves around
140 extremely influential individuals
in the financial and economic circles
of the NATO countries as well as
guests from the realms of politics,
annual meeting had taken place at
the Interalpen-Hotel Tyrol (below) in
Austria. Bank executives, investors,
and politicians came together to
discuss issues like cybersecurity,
globalization, and U.S. elections—
in strict secrecy. Many experts are
possible for collusive agreements
to be made behind closed doors.
Just imagine: The most powerful
representatives of commerce and

finance meet with crucial decision-
making politicians for three days—
and no independent journalist can
report on it. Every conversation is
confidential. So could it not be the
case that the policies of tomorrow
are made there—without any kind
of parliamentary controls? Hans
Krysmanski, professor emeritus of
sociology at Germany’s University
of Münster, is sure: “The Bilderberg
Conference is the culmination of the
ceaseless work of the lobbyists.”
Professor Krysmanski even sees
Bilderberg as part of a large secret
network that gives the industries
ever-more influence over politics.
Becauseinadditionto Bilderberg,
there are many other such “private
meetings.” These include the World
Economic Forum (which helps drive
globalization), the Atlantik-Brücke
Conference (which serves NATO’s
interests), and the Munich Security
Conference (which is a henchman
of the arms industry). The Bilderberg
Conference is, consequently, only
one arm of a powerful octopus—
industry—and is virtually a ministry
of the secret world government.

When was a SECRET




long before Columbus or the Vikings,
knowledge had traveled the globe.
However, it would sometimes take
centuries for even simple information
to be conveyed across continents.
But the information network worked,
though there is still dispute about the
directions in which knowledge flowed.
And it wasn’t just knowledge that was
being exchanged, but goods as well.
For example, South American plant
remains have been found in ancient
Egyptian tombs. Traces of cocaine
and nicotine have also been found in
Egyptian mummies—archeologists
had hitherto only found such residue
in 5,000-year-old Chilean mummies.
How did the leaves of the coca plant
come over to Africa, if not across the
ocean in boats? And the pyramids?
Who were the first builders? This is
the great mystery that archaeologists
face. For in Greece there are remains
of pyramids that are not only more
precise than those of the pharaohs,
they are 4,715 years old—older than
the monuments of the Nile Valley...

THE TIME CODE: 2951954 41 Mar 2017
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