
(Rick Simeone) #1

Growing up, I had a cow
in my backyard, so it’s no
surprise that I really like
dairy foods.And I particularly
like ice cream. I don’t worry about
the fat in dairy as I’m very active.
I tend to have the same thing
for breakfast each day. I make
my own muesli with lots of seeds
and nuts, along with fruit from
the garden, and Greek yoghurt.

I eat four
times a day.
Living in the
country, I’m an
early riser. By
mid-morning, I’ll
have my one coffee for the day
made from locally roasted beans.
And I’ll also have some lovely
fresh, locally made sourdough.

Lunch is a bit boring, really.
I always have something from
the garden — usually a variety of

Australia’s first ‘celebrity dietitian’ has been advising us on
nutrition for nearly 50 years. So, does she ‘walk the talk’?

How I stay healthy

Interview: Brooke Longfield. Photos: iStock.

Rosemary Stanton tells ...

I’d find it hard to
live without dairy
products, fruit &
decent bread

salad leaves, tomato, avocado,
plus cheese or eggs from our
chooks. And more sourdough.

Dinner is always lots of veg,
often from the garden. I like
to make a mushroom risotto with
homemade pesto and salad.
We’re not vegetarian, but we
choose not to have a lot of meat.
We have fish once a week. We
would usually eat
meat only when
we are out. I also
enjoy a glass of
red wine four or
five nights a week.

We eat out with friends,
usually after tennis at the
local pub. People ask me how
I can find anything healthy at
a pub, but I’ll often have the
grilled salmon and salad. But if
I’m at a friend’s for dinner and
they offer me dessert, I’ll eat it.

If I have to sit down all day,
I’m very miserable. Exercise
is quite important in my life, and
is probably why I’ve never had
to lose weight. In fact, I’m usually
trying to put on a kilo or two.
Each day, I’m either swimming,
playing tennis, walking the dogs
or training for long-distance
hikes, which my husband and I
do every year. Plus, there’s plenty
of active gardening to be done
on our 70-acre property!

My husband loves porridge
for breakfast, which is just
about the only food I don’t
like! He goes through an entire
750g bag of oats every week,
and in the 50 years that we’ve
been married, he hasn’t gained
any weight at all!

When I really want an
indulgence, I’ll have some
ice cream, but it’s only once
a month. I don’t actually like
biscuits or cakes. I know it
sounds funny. I’d even leave
chocolate on my bench for
six months and not eat it. But
I do love eating ice cream!


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For a snack, our
family will reach
for a jar of nuts.

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ve one toda


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