
(Rick Simeone) #1

So, you’ve decided the only way
to lose weight is by never eating
‘naughty’ foods again.
Unfortunately, this is where
so many of us get it wrong. Yes,
you can live without some foods,
but being able to enjoy the
occasional treat is much more
sustainable than total deprivation.
It comes back to the mantra:
everything in moderation. So,
instead of an all-or-nothing
attitude to food, try following
the 80/20 approach: if you eat
a healthy diet 80 per cent of
the time, allow yourself to enjoy
treats 20 per cent of the time.

Get back on track
Enjoy treats mindfully ...
Focus on what you’re eating
and savour each mouthful.
This will help make the
food you eat more satisfying,
which means you’ll be
less likely to overeat it.
Savour quality treats
like a few squares of dark
chocolate, or a scoop of
your favourite ice cream.

The World Health Organization (WHO) says we
should dramatically reduce the ‘free sugars’ in our
diet, which means foods with added sugar, as
well as sugary ingredients l k h
syrups and fruit juices. It rec
that we limit our consumpt
added sugars to just six tea
a day — that’s about half of
average Aussie is currently
No wonder, then, produc
‘no added sugar’ or ‘100%
sugar’ look like the best ch
these claims don’t necessa
the product is low in sugar.
‘Natural’ ingredients such a
agave syrup, rice malt syrup and maple syrup
(which all count as free sugars according to the
WHO) could actually mean the product is high
in sugar, so consumption of it should be limited.

Get back on track
Read the ingredients list carefully ...
Always check the ingredients list to see
if sugar has been added under an
alternative name. As a healthy guide,
if a food contains less than 5g of sugar
per 100g, you’ll be choosing a product
that’s low in sugar.

Being tricked by
‘sugar-free’ claims

Next, move onto swapping
those biscuits you usually have
with afternoon tea for a healthier
3pm snack that you fi nd equally
tasty (there’s plenty of ideas to
choose from in this issue).
And to keep weight in check
in the long term, get into the
habit of moving more every day.

out treats

The ingredients
list is the best
place to spot
hidden sugars
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