
(Rick Simeone) #1
Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)
Feeling bloated is uncomfortable, especially
during summer when there are no heavy layers
of clothing to hide behind. Roughly 90 per cent
of women experience bloating on a regular basis,
with nearly half of those saying it affects their
everyday life. So, what’s going on here?
Probably the most common cause of
bloating is Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS).
IBS affects around one in five Australians,
and up to 90 per cent of IBS sufferers
report bloating as a symptom. Changes
to bowel habits, abdominal pain, and
excessive gas are other IBS symptoms.
Two main triggers for IBS symptoms are diet and
stress. The most common diet culprits are garlic,
onion, lentils, apples, mushrooms, cauliflower, wheat
and inulin. These foods are high in FODMAPs —
an acronym for a group of carbohydrates that
are poorly digested in some people’s intestines.

The low-FODMAP die
has been scientifi cally
proven to help ease
symptoms in around
75 per cent of people
with IBS. But before
eliminating any foods
see your GP to get
a proper diagnosis,
k to a
can help supervise you while on
d low-FODMAP diet.
lt Salt is a well-known cause of fl uid
educing the salt in your diet can help.
y Sometimes, bloating can be caused
ou eat, not what you eat. Eating quickly
he amount of air you swallow, which
e bloating. Try to put your cutlery down
en mouthfuls, and chew your food
wly, with your mouth closed.

Bloating affects
90% of women & diet
may be the trigger

normal way (such as when you
get your period), so they bleed,
and over time this creates scar
tissue. This can cause severe pain,
and can also lead to infertility.
Endometriosis can mimic
IBS symptoms, such as bloating
and abdominal pain, so it’s
important not to self-diagnose.
Always seek professional advice
before making drastic
changes to your diet.
The relationship
between specific foods
and endometriosis risk is
not entirely clear, but a
balanced diet is likely to
have benefits all round and help
you cope with the symptoms.

ÅEat a rainbow of vegies
Some studies show that diets
high in vegetables and fi bre result
in a lower risk of endometriosis.
ÅLimit fried foods Evidence
suggests eating large amounts
of trans fats (found in fried foods,
biscuits and pastries) increases
th i k f d t i i i

A diet of
fresh fruit
& veg may

“Why am I so bloated?”

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