Fleur White beadednapkin ring,$30, Conley & Co. Urano hemstitched linennapkin,$ 9 0, Busatti. Leila stonewaresalad plates,$14/each, Pottery
Barn. Vera Wang Blanc Sur Blanc fine bone chinadinner plates,$ 9 5/each, Wedgwood. Roos van de Velde Sun chinacharger plates,$73/each,
Beautiful Spaces Inside and Out. Cutipol Goa stainless-steelfork,$28,knife,$48, andspoon,$28, in White Matte Gold, Francalia. Vera Wang Peplum
crystalDOF tumbler,$149/pair, Wedgwood. Perle White beadednapkin ring(used as candleholder), $20, and glassdrop ornament,$35,Conley&Co.
Flow resinsoy dishin Snow Swirl, $45, Dinosaur Designs. Glasspine cone decorations,$9/12 and small glassbaubles,$7/12, Horgans (throughout).
Vera Wang Sequin crystalChampagne saucer,$149/pair, Wedgwood. Society Linen Bijou linentablecloth (170x300cm), $1395, Ondene.
The success of a formal setting lies in the details – tailored napery, quality cutlery and fine china.