Go eous
heChristmas issue is always a fun one
to put together. We’ve been living the
partyseason for months!Our six
featured homeowners allgot in on the act
too, primping their homes to meet our
Christmas at Home theme. The colours
and materials leading the decorating
palettes in each home show how many
options exist outside the traditional red
andgreen, while fresh flowers, fabulous
wreaths and good cheer abound.
We’re particularly excited about bringing
you a delicious celebration menu from
Stephanie Alexander, photographed at her
Melbourne home, where her daughters,
granddaughter and assistantsgatheredfor
lunch. With flowers arranged byStephanie,
and recipes from her new book, the story,
and the many decoratingtips throughout
this issue, should inspire everyone hosting
agatheringthis season.
I came across a well-loved book at my
mother-in-law’s recently,The Australian
Hostess Cookbook, published by Nelson
in 19 6 9. A compilation of menus from “
top hostesses”throughout Australia, it
shares party menus, useful hints, advice
and of course, recipes. It’s been on mydesk
for a couple of weeks and I keep dipping in
to enjoy afew pages over lunch. Hosted in
homes as diverse as a bachelor girl’sflat
in Melbourne, a greatQueensland cattle
station, a young couple’s garden home in
Perthand a sophisticatedharbourside
apartment inSydney, the party menus and
plans capture an era when entertaining was
an art form and nothing was left to chance.
There are day-by-daypreparation timelines
(including when to select your dress
and have your hair set), table-dressing
ideas and priceless room-by-room tips:
“Bedroom –prepare it as theplace for the
women to leave their coats and touch up
their make-up. In case of emergency, place
aneedle and cotton on the dressing table.”
(I was immediately transported to my
parents’dinnerparties in rural NSW,
watching my beautiful mum applying
her blue eyeshadow and spraying onher
Charlie, visitors’coats lying across Mum
and Dad’s bed, us kids making ourselves
scarce until we smelt the coffee –our cue
to offer guests after-dinner mints from
aspecial silver-plated serving dish.)
It was difficult to choose a favourite
soiree from theHostessbook. With flowers
harvested from the bush or theirgarden,
andpre-dinner cocktails,post-dessert
liqueurs(and cigarettes)to keep things
humming, these were carefully orchestrated
affairs. What’s not to love about courses
timed to allow dancing – on the lawn under
the blossomingCassiafistulatree atJulia
Creek in NorthQueensland, for instance?
Thank youfor a wonderful year,from all
ofus atH&G. May yourfestive season
featuregood food and much dancing.
Shop smart
Pop into our fab
Inaddition to our bestChristmas gift
guide ever(see page197),H&GGis
co-hostingaChristmasfair with
online retailer Hardtofind
at the open-air market at Sydney’s
EntertainmentQuarter, Moore Park,
on December 18. So come and say hi
and snap up uniquegiftsfrom more
than 70 curated stallholders, all
regular Hardtofind vendors. Pictured
above is just a taste ofthe delights
on offer(from top): Foliage 24ct
gold-platednecklace,$99, Ivy and
Bird;Lotuspaper decoration(60cm),
$77; and Japanese ceramicvase,
$95, both Pomelo Home. And if
you can’t make it in person, hop
Photograph by Darren McDonald (Lisa). online at http://www.hardtofind.com.au.