Jewelbaubles,$30-$ 8 0/each,Conley&Co
(throughout). Kastehelmi glassbowl,$65, Iittala.
Malmo claydinner plate,$40, andcharger,$55,
Papaya. Society Linen Tab Frayednapkins,$250/six,
Ondene. House Doctor ceramicvasewith handle,
$25, Telegram Open House.OPPOSITE, CLOCKWISE
FROM BOTTOM LEFTAspen metalcutlery,$60/
four-piece place setting, Few and Far. Ceramicacorn,$5,
Horgans. Embroidery ceramicside plates,$28/each,
Marley&Lockyer.CasaBlancastonewareside plates,
$24/each, Few and Far. Stone textured-ceramicdinner
plates,$17/each, Mozi. Casa Blanca stonewaredinner
plates,$33, Few and Far. Luxe paperplacemats,$18/
each, Uashmama. Linentableclothin White/Mouse
Grey, $183, Francalia. Cashmere Charming fine bone
chinateacup and saucer,$14/set, Maxwell & Williams.
Small stonewarerectangular platter,$45, Married to the
Sea. House Doctor Handle ceramicvase,$25, Telegram
Open House. Sara III chinaplate,$27, Beautiful Spaces
Inside and Out. Malmo claymini bowl,$15, and Flint
bisquespoon,$15/two, Papaya. Tiny ceramiccondiment
dish,$12, Married to the Sea. Flax ceramicnapkin ringin
Snow White, $5, Ivory House. Society Linen Tab Frayed
linennapkin,$250/six, Ondene. Ceramicstars,$30/10,
Married to the Sea. Leaf resinside plate,$65, and Flow
resinsoy dishin Ivory Swirl, $45, Dinosaur Designs. Tiny
ceramiccondiment dish,$12, Married to the Sea.
For Where to Buy, see page 218.#