
(Chris Devlin) #1


‘The key factor in reducing costs is buying the right size
and type of airconditioner for your space.’Dr Robert Simpson

FROM LEFTPure Hot+Cool Linkportable fan/heater,$749, Dyson. KTF816BLK Arctic 7 77 cm
towerfan,$70, Kambrook. FA7450 Loft 99cmtower fantower fan,$129, Sunbeam. Rinnai RPC35WA$129 Sunbeam Rinnai RPC35W
portableairconditioner,$699, The Good Guys. Goldair 2.5Lindoor mistingfan,$199, Harvey
Norman.OPPOSITEfrom topAirfusion Resort 203cmceilingfan,$795, Beacon Lighting. High
Velocity 130cmpedestalfan,$149, Omega Altise. VLT2001 40cmdesktopfan,$159, DéLonghi.

also important to ensure the system
is correctly sizedfor the space and
serviced periodically,” says Dave Smith,
general manager for sales and
marketing at Fujitsu General Australia.
Ifyou live in a hot, dry area, you might
consider an evaporative cooler, which
worksby evaporatingwaterintothe
air to cool and humidifyyour interior.
“Evaporative coolers can be cheaper to
buy and run than airconditioners and
are more effective than fans in dry
climates,” says Simpson.
Meanwhile, if you live in a humid
zone, a portable airconditioner could be
a consideration. “They are versatile but
not as efficient or effective as split-
system airconditioners,”says Simpson.
“Also bear in mind that they need to be
connected to an open gap (via aflexible
duct) to expel hot air.”
Fans are theleast expensive cooling
option and are very effective at taking
the edge off the heat. Design-wise,
you’ll be spoilt for choice. The range
extends from Dyson’s chic bladeless
portable fans to models that emit a
cooling mist and sculptural ceiling

appliance and art.
“The array of finishes is impressive

  • black, charcoal, whitewash and maple,,”
    says Beacon Lighting’s Denise Hammondd.
    Some new ceilingfans have interesting
    features integrated into their design,
    suchas wireless Bluetoothspeakers,
    says Andrew Opde Coul, national
    electrical buyer at Bunnings. “Other
    models include energy-efficient LED
    lightbulbs. DC technology motors are
    anew featureinsomemodelsthatalso
    increase energy efficiency and reduce
    operational noise.”
    The impressive functionality doesn’t
    stop there. The new app-connected
    Dyson Pure Cool Link and Pure
    Hot+Cool Link not onlyfunctions
    as a fan, it monitors air qualityand
    automaticallycaptures 99.95 per
    cent of allergens and pollutants in
    its HEPAfiltration system.
    Meanwhile, Dimplex’s new Intellifan
    detects thepresence ofpeople in the
    room anddirects coolair towardsthem
    while automaticallyadjusting outputt
    suit the conditions. #





All non-ducted airconditioners
carry an energy-star ratingof
between one and 10 stars. “Ifyou
arebuyinga new airconditioner,
the keyfactor in reducingcosts is
buyingthe right size and typefor
your space,”says Dr Robert
Simpson. “Each extra star will
reduce runningcosts by about 1 0
per cent.”To calculate running
costs, multiplythepower input(in
kW)bythe number of hoursyou
run the unit and the rate you pay
for electricity.Forexample, a unit
witha1kWpower input runfor
360 hrs will use 36 0 kWh, costing
about$79 at a rate of 22c/kWh.

Haiku by BigAssSolutions
Luxe Series 2.1m aircraft-grade
Big Ass Solutions.

Arlec Northera 120cm painted-
timberceilingfan with light,
$154, Bunnings.

AE3 127cm aerofoilAE3 127cm aerofoilceiling fan,ceiling fan
$519, AeroDC.
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