
(Chris Devlin) #1

Geometricdrop ornament,$10, My Christmas.
XOXgift wrap,$15/ 1 0m roll, with gold foil
ribbon,$3.95/4m, Inky Co. I849 aluminiumside
table,$726, Horgans.ADVENT CALENDAR
made fromBrass Buttonwall hook,$39, The
ShelleyPantonStore.Brassring,$5, Spotlight.
Grosgrainribbonin Peach and in Pearl, both
$1. 8 0/m, and velvetribbonin Dusty Pink,
enclosures,$40/24 (includes embossed gift
cards), Handworks Nouveau Paperie.IN
ENVELOPESRock & Pebble Alphabet Pebble
woodentoy,$35/set of five, Norsu Interiors.
Metalstar ornament,$ 1 0, Kikki.K. Wall painted
Wash & Wear 10 1 in Pink Tulle,$86/4L, Dulux.
FROM PAGE36 &37,FROM LEFTChristmas
tree, ornamentsan dpresents,allasbefore,
plus Startree topper,$ 1 5, My Christmas. Luster
acorn ornamentsin Black, $ 1 5/each, and glass
baublesin Black,$17/12, all Horgans. By Lassen
Kubus1brasscandleholder,$ 11 9, and Line brass
candleholder,$209, both Norsu Interiors.Aerial
1 artwork,$ 11 00, Amy Wright. Geo Sculptural
Metal Prismobject,$54, West Elm. Stanley
3.5-seater sofawith Camira Blazer wool
upholstery,$6 07 5,ArthurG.ON SOFAfrom
leftInstyle Calibre wool-nyloncushion,$300,

Camira Blazer woolcushionsin Kiel, $280/each,
and James Dunlop Velutti cotton-polyamide-
polyethylenecushions,$275/each, all Arthur G.
Timothy Oulton Hollywoodcoffee tablewith
marble top, $3995, Coco Republic.ON COFFEE
TA B L Efrom leftTorch porcelainvotive,$18,
Country Road. Batch Ceramics Globe ceramic
dish,$35, Norsu Interiors. Gold Antler metal
$4/each, Norsu Interiors.DIY bon bons,$8/12,
Lincraft. Custom-made Garden Floralwallpaper,
POA, Bonnie and Neil.Curtainin Haven linen in
Shell Pink, $130/m, Warwick Fabrics. Metal Frame
velvet-upholsteredchair,$999, West Elm.
I849 aluminiumside table(left), $414, and I848
aluminiumside table,$726, Horgans.ON SIDE
TABLESfrom leftPine Conehanging ornaments,
$11/drop of three, My Christmas. Cinnamon metal
planter,$82, Lightly. Pantop coppertable lamp,
$825, Space. Easyascotwall panels(60x90cm),
from $35/each, Easycraft Australia. Yardo Ying II
woolrug(2.7x3.7m), POA, Behruz Studio. Regal
Oak Doulton engineered-timberflooring,$135/m 2
(supply only), Godfrey Hirst Floors. Wall painted
Wash & Wear 101 in Pink Pieris, and panelling
painted Evening Blush, both $86/4L, Dulux.
For Where to Buy, see page 218. >


Make your own Advent calendar by numbering
pretty envelopes and filling them with tiny treats.
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