“ It’s very special creating pieces that become
mementos, part of people’s visual memories.
It’s an honour to do that.” Kylie
PAPER BOAT PRESS STOREChristmas decorations never lose
theirmagic for Kylie. The dove she has created this year has a
fluted tail and bears the messages ‘Joyful all ye nations rise’ and
‘Peace on Earth’. “What the world needs right now,” she says.
STUDIO“This is the beatingheart of the business,”says Kylie,
pictured here with team member Liana Kabel as theyglaze and
clean the earthenware decorations before firing.
CLAY BEAUTIESKylie cradles afreshlymadepersonalised
ceramic bird, above right. Thedainty ceramic earrings,aboveleft,
arepart of her new range ofjewellery. “They’re pretty, fun and a
little bit old-fashioned,”saysKylie. At left, a basket full of ceramic
bunting. “They can be used on a birthday cake year after year,” she
says.“I love the permanence of ceramics. They never wear out.”