
(Sean Pound) #1

●Game Changers



ake-up sex can be the most intense
romantic experience of your life.
Sadly, it takes the apocalypse to get
there. Arguments are emotionally
taxing and potentially catastrophic. If quarrels are
inevitable — and they are — keep your costs low:
Learn to fight your way gently to a toe-curling,
earth-shattering, multiorgasmic cease-fire.
Here’s how to get to yes, yes, oh, yes.

she’ll be reminded you
have them. Women love
men with feelings.

Comfort her
She might cry. She’s
a weeper. Crying isn’t
about manipulating you;
it’s about feeling sad
and being vulnerable.
Recognise her tears as
a call for tenderness,
and answer the phone:
Take a time-out, then
be warm — you’ll be
a decent person
and run up the
relationship points
at the same time.

Don’t fix
the problem
You see a nail. You
have a hammer. Why
not use it? Because
she doesn’t want a
solution; she wants
you to listen to her talk
about the nail. Talk and
sex are connected for
women — you can’t get
to the naked resolution
without the talk.
Let her talk,
listen, listen more,
fast-forward to
the horizontal
reconciliation. It’ll be
infinitely easier to fix
things — to hammer
that nail — after you’ve
both enjoyed a good
scrump in the sack.

Learn to apologise
Saying “I’m sorry”
doesn’t mean “you’re
right and I’m wrong,”
it means you’re sorry.
And you are. You
love her, she’s in pain,
that blows. Never
use the conditional
tense in an apology,
“I’m sorry if you feel
this way,” that’s just

relationship hygiene
If you’re a conflict
avoider establish good
habits. Every day, each
of you swallows the
bitter pill of naming one
little thing that annoys
you, followed by a
chaser of one thing that
makes you feel loved.
This quick routine lets
you share info about
a problem, but not

Of all the ways to entice her into bed — an
erotic whisper, a deep kiss—afairfightis
by far the most underrated.By Sarah Rose


Use the Jedi
mind trick
Repeat after her. When
she says, “You were
supposed to do X,” you
have one line: “You think
I was supposed to X.”
This makes her feel
listened to and validated.
The fight is half over
once you repeat her
premise. Obi Wan Kenobi
never said it, but the
Force works on the
strong-minded, too.

Memorise poetry
Good arguments have
rhythm: Acknowledge
her point of view.
Briefly explain yours.
Acknowledge her point
of view again. “Gosh, I
can see how X seems
neglectful, but that
wasn’t my intention,
and I’m sad X came
across that way.”
Repeat it like the
verses of a song.

Be selfish
Don’t point a finger
and make accusations
— it only raises the
temperature, so
she’ll double down on
defence. Neutralise her
opposition by beginning
every single sentence
with the same two
words: “I feel.” Start
with your feelings and

necessarily the emotion
attached to it. It’s like a
vaccine — a daily dose
of a poison that might
otherwise kill you.
Relationship fights aren’t
zero-sum; she doesn’t
have to lose for you to
win. You’re both better
off winning. So tell her
she’s right, and make it
easy for her to say you’re
right. Then make out
while you make up.

How to fight

(your way to sizzling make-up sex)

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