
(Sean Pound) #1

The only way is up

■Pressing the weight directly overhead, rather than slightly in front
ofyou, is key to going heavy. “When performing the overhead press
passing through your head, the top of your spine, your hips and your
glutes and pushing your head through once the bar has passed your
nose. You’ll also add about 10% to your lift by simply keeping your core
tight — so squeeze those glutes!”

Protect your neck

able to retract your shoulder blades and push your elbows through so
that they are directly under the bar. To help develop that ability, try
mastered the military press [with feet together] you can try the
behind-neck press,” says Wright. “The same rules apply, only you
delts and back more, but you’ll need to drop the weight by around
30% and take a slightly wider grip.”

Lift healthy

and involve a group of small stabilising muscles called the rotator cuff.
The upshot is that it’s easy for something to go wrong, particularly
when you’re tired. “To improve shoulder health and stability, perform
shoulderpress.Remembertostaystrictandallow your shoulder
blades to move while keeping your abs tight.”

W ith your feet shoulder-
width apart, position
a bar on your upper
chest, gripping it with
hands just wider than
shoulder-width apart.
Brace your abs, glutes
and quads as you press
the bar straight upwards.
Pause at the top, then
lower. You may find
you lift more weight by
wrapping your thumbs
around the same side
as your fingers, to keep
your forearms in a more
favourable position.

Overhead press


Hoisting a heavy weight above your head is a true
old-school test of strength. “The overhead press
requires strength and balance as well as shoulder
mobility and stability,” says Wright. “This exercise
will create bigger delts as well as a strong back —
plus greater overhead strength, which will transfer
over to the bench press.”

create bigger delts
as well as a strong back.”
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