
(Sean Pound) #1
Match your
food and beer

When God invented
beer he wasn’t just
thinking about our thirst, he
was also thinking of our
taste buds. The mighty
amber fluid goes with all
kinds of grub. Here are
the best combos:

Darker, heartier beers like
brown ales or stouts can
balance the bigger meats.
Try a Brown Ale or
a Stout like Guinness.

Keep the beer lighter so
as not to overpower the
more delicate flavour of
fish. Try a Blonde.

Neck an Amber or
a Pale Ale. If the chook
comes with a heavier
sauce, go for something
slightly heavier and richer.

Almost any beer goes
with cheesy pizza, but if
the cheese is stronger
(such as blue), slosh
down a darker brew.

A brew with more hops
will help cut down the
spices in the food. India
Pale Ale is perfect.

“Milk is for babies. When

to drink beer.”
— Arnold Schwarzenegger

BrewArt brings the craft
of domestic beer-making
into the 21st century
with its sleek and stylish
BeerDroid. The world’s
first fully automated
personal brewer, it produces
10 litres of premium quality
beer at the push of a button.
And no matter where you
are, you can monitor its
progress via the smart
phone app. Add in BrewFlo
(below), BrewArt’s
temperature-controlled beer
dispenser, and you’ve got a
virtual bar and brewery in
your own home!

Brew your
own lager

A strong dark ale
is the perfect
accompaniment to a
slab of animal flesh.
Free download pdf