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Acquiring a buy-to-let property using

traditional methods can be complex, stressful

and time-consuming. For many, the thought of

weekends spent traipsing through open homes

is overwhelming – and that is before the search

for a good tenant starts. Property Partner

simplifies the buy-to-let process. Its online

platform brings together investors to buy, hold

and trade shares in high-quality residential

property. Founder and chief executive Daniel

Gandesha says the site was born out of his

own frustration with the traditional buy-to-

let process, and that buying an investment

property could often take as much effort as

starting a business. Determined to find a better

way, he launched Property Partner in 2014.

Investors can browse property listings

and choose to buy shares, without dealing

with mortgages, solicitors or maintenance.

Investors pay a one-off 2 per cent fee on their

initial investment, and can track their latest

valuation, dividend yield and current share

price. Selling shares on the Resale market is just

as effortless. Shareholders receive a monthly

rental income in the form of dividends, minus

a 10.5 per cent management fee (plus VAT).

Properties are professionally let and managed,

eliminating the hassle of call-outs. Property

Partner has financed more than 375 properties

across the UK, making it easy for investors to
diversify their portfolio and spread the risk.
More than £50m has been traded across
the site. Regulated by the Financial Conduct
Authority and audited by KPMG, the platform
is producing a current estimated return of 7
per cent* per year, after fees. Each property is
held in a limited company, known as a Special
Purpose Vehicle (SPV), which ring-fences
it from the assets and liabilities of Property
Partner and other investments on the site.

As one of the world’s largest online property
exchanges, Property Partner is transforming
bricks and mortar into a liquid asset. Investors
have the freedom to sell their shares at the
time and price they choose. And with no
hidden exit fees to pay, investors pocket 100
per cent of the proceeds from any sale. More
than £12m in shares have already been traded
on the platform’s secondary market.

It’s not just the technology that sets Property
Partner apart, it is also the people behind the
brand. Director of Property Robert Weaver
is one of the UK’s most respected residential
property professionals and an expert in
choosing properties that outperform for

investors. Prior to joining Property Partner,
Weaver was a global director at the Royal Bank
of Scotland, responsible for more than 11,
residential units. Property Partner’s board of
directors includes Ed Wray, co-founder of
Betfair, and Neil Rimer, co-founder of venture
capital firm Index Ventures, who has invested
across the technology and finance sectors
including Funding Circle and TransferWise.

CAPITAL AT RISK - The value of your investment can go
down as well as up. Forecasts are not a reliable indicator
of future performance. Gross rent and dividends may be
lower than estimated. Five-yearly exit protection or exit on
platform subject to price and demand. Financial promotion by
London House Exchange Limited (8820870); authorised and
regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (No. 613499).

*Properties on our platform have, on average, after all fees and
before personal taxation, delivered an estimated annualised
total return of more than 7%; including approximately 3%
net rental income (dividends) and 4% in capital value growth.
These estimated returns are calculated quarterly and (i) with
reference to the average dividend yields and price movements
of all previous listings, (ii) spreading over 5 years any purchase
discount to the RICS valuation, and (iii) assuming the property
remains tenanted. We are champions of transparency and
you can download the objective data used to calculate this
estimated return on the website.


Smarter investing

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