
(Amelia) #1
74 recipes+ MAY 2017



Totally Tiramisu Cake

SERVES 12 PREP 45 minutes
COST $2 a serve

3 eggs, separated
2 tablespoons caster sugar,
plus 2 tablespoons extra
1 teaspoon vanilla essence
2 x 250g packets cream cheese,
at room temperature, chopped
¾ cup espresso coffee, cooled
¼ cup freshly squeezed orange juice
2 x 460g packets double unfilled
sponge cake slabs
400g packet sponge finger biscuits
Cocoa powder, to dust
Orange slices and chocolate curls,
to decorate (see tip)

1 Whisk egg yolks, sugar and essence
in a large bowl until thick and pale.
Add cream cheese; fold to combine.

2 Using an electric mixer, beat egg whites
in a large, dry, clean bowl until soft peaks
form. Gradually beat in extra sugar until
mixture is thick and glossy and sugar
has dissolved. Fold egg white mixture,
in batches, into cream cheese mixture
until combined.

3 Combine coffee and juice in a shallow
glass dish. Using a large serrated knife, split

each sponge cake horizontally. Place
2 pieces of cake, cut-side up, long sides
together, on a cake board. Brush with coffee
mixture. Spread with half the cream
cheese mixture.

4 Briefly dip half the sponge finger biscuits
into remaining coffee mixture, then arrange
over cream cheese mixture, trimming to fit
if necessary. Repeat layers, finishing with
remaining cream cheese mixture. Dust with
cocoa powder. Decorate with orange slices
and chocolate curls.




Cake of the month

+ TO MAKE CURLS Place a 200g
block of dark cooking chocolate,
flat-side up, on a microwave-safe
plate. Microwave on (High) in
20-second bursts, until top is slightly
melted. Using a vegetable peeler,
shave soft chocolate into curls. Place
on a piece of baking paper to set.
+ MAKE AHEAD You can assemble
the cake up to a day ahead. Store in an
airtight container in the fridge.
+ TEMPERATURE For best results,
before you start, stand all ingredients
at room temperature for 10 minutes.


This cake is the perfect place to start for the novice
enthusiast. Using store-bought ingredients and with
simple steps, it will be a centrepiece in no time!
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