
(Barré) #1



Yuzu is a Japanese citrus fruit that lies somewhere between a lemon, a lime and a
mandarin. This easy recipe was my fi rst Japanese-English fusion dessert. The light
sesame shortbread is a perfect accowmpaniment to the creamy posset.
Serves 4–6

For the posset

  • 400ml double

  • 135g caster sugar

  • 50ml yuzu juice

  • 1 tbsp fi nely grated
    mandarin or lemon
    zest, plus extra
    to serve
    For the sesame

  • 150g unsalted
    butter, diced

  • 80g golden caster

  • 170g plain fl our

  • 40g extra fi ne black
    sesame powder

  • pinch of salt


  1. For the posset, gently heat the cream and sugar in a large saucepan,
    stirring until all of the sugar has melted. Bring to a simmer and let the
    mixture bubble for 1 minute.

  2. Turn off the heat and stir in the yuzu juice and mandarin zest.
    Divide the mixture between 4 ramekins or small bowls, and allow to
    cool to room temperature. Cover with clingfi lm and refrigerate for at
    least 3 hours, or up to 24 hours.

  3. For the sesame shortbread, beat together the butter and 70g of the
    sugar in a food processor until smooth and pale. Add the fl our, black
    sesame powder and salt, then mix again until combined.

  4. Tip into a 16cm x 25cm baking tray and use your hands to roughly
    spread out the mixture. Cover with clingfi lm, and smooth the surface
    until there are no wrinkles. Refrigerate for at least 30 minutes.

  5. Preheat the oven to 180°C. Remove the clingfi lm from the shortbread
    and sprinkle with the remaining sugar. Bake for 20–25 minutes until the
    mixture is just fi rm in the centre when lightly pressed. Remove from the
    oven, cool completely in the tin,
    then cut into 12 thin slices. These
    will keep in an airtight container
    for up to 1 week.

  6. To serve, sprinkle the top of
    each posset with extra mandarin
    or lemon zest and serve with the
    shortbread alongside.

This is a ‘must try’ sushi roll. Using so cheese adds
richness to a vegetarian roll – proof that fusion can be
very successful indeed!
Serves 4 (makes 2 rolls)


  • 2 ripe tomatoes

  • 1 sheet dried nori

  • 225g cooked sushi rice

  • 1 tbsp black sesame seeds

  • 1 tbsp toasted white sesame seeds

  • 1 ripe avocado

  • 60g soft cheese such as Brie or Camembert

  • 1 roasted red pepper

  • ½ medium cucumber, cut into sticks


  1. Bring a saucepan of water to the boil. Make a criss-cross score
    at the base of the tomatoes, add to the pan of boiling water, and
    leave for 30 seconds. Drain and rinse under cold water. Peel off
    the skins, cut each tomato into quarters, and remove the seeds.

  2. Cut the nori sheet in half and place one half on a sushi mat. Wet
    both hands and press a handful of sushi rice on top, spreading it
    out in an even layer.

  3. Mix the black and white sesame seeds together, then sprinkle in
    a thin line on top of the rice.

  4. Cover with a sheet of clingfi lm, then place another sushi mat
    over the top. Lift and hold the entire assembly and turn it over.
    Take the sushi mat that’s now on top off.

  5. Peel and remove the stone from the avocado and slice into ½cm
    slices. Arrange across the nori in a straight line with the tomatoes,
    soft cheese, red pepper and cucumber sticks.

  6. Lift the end of the mat closest to you with your thumbs and
    index fi ngers. Using the sushi mat as a guide, carefully roll up
    the nori and fi llings (without the clingfi lm), securing the fi llings
    as you go, rolling towards the far side and avoiding pressing too
    fi rmly. Repeat the process with the other half of the nori sheet and
    remaining ingredients to make a second roll.

  7. Slice each roll into 8 pieces and serve.

Cook Japan,
Stay Slim,
Live Longer
by Reiko
Hashimoto with
by Jodi Hinds,
published by
RRP £25


This light dessert
makes the perfect
fi nale to an

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