
(Barré) #1
Funky flavours
are all well and good. But
when it comes to chocolate,
a nicely novel concept can
o en fall fl at – translating
to an exciting-sounding
yet poor-quality treat. A bit
like the edible equivalent of
that latest vacuous model/
actress/whatever you see
falling out of nightclubs on
Instagram: all fur coat and
defi nitely no knickers.
Seed & Bean’s chocolate,
however, has the substance
to back up the style. And
the credentials, for that
ma‚ er. All its products are
organic and fairly-traded.
Made in small batches by
hand (…ust 45 litres at a
time, compared with the
common equivalent of
10,000), the entire range
only uses real ingredients,
with no artifi cial fl avours.
Accordingly, the British
brand holds nine Great
Taste Awards, and is the
sole chocolate company
to have scored 100% in
the Good Shopping Guide’s
Ethical Index for fi ve years
running. The award-
winning packaging is not
just bright and beautiful,
it’s also recyclable and
o en biodegradable, too.
Across the 21-strong bar
range, there’s at least one to
suit all kinds of chocolate-

lover; from fruity treats
like Rich Milk Cornish
Sea Salt & Lime, to herby
numbers such as Dark
Aromatic Fennel, or the
coff ee-infused creations of
Rich Milk Caff è Mocha.

Into healthy eating?
There’s always a place in
your diet for a couple of
daily squares of great-
quality chocolate, and Seed
& Bean has a few bars that
are ideal for supporting
positive nutrition.
If you like to keep things
plain and simple, you’ll
love the high-cocoa Extra
Dark, also available in a Sea
Salt variety with a splendid
‘swavoury’ tang. Pumpkin
Seed & Hemp adds all the
goodness of seeds to the
same rich dark chocolate
blend, while Just Ginger
includes an ingredient
known to aid digestion.
And now, with the
arrival of Seed & Bean’s
fi rst 100% dark chocolate
bar, even those swerving
sugar can indulge. Cra ed
from nothing more than
wild Ecuadorean cocoa,
it off ers an intense eating
sensation – one that’s
guaranteed to sate that
cocoa craving in just a
few pieces.

SHOP THE COLLECTION Seed & Bean’s chocolate bars have an RRP of £2.49, and are available from
Wholefoods, quality food halls, delis, health food stores and farm shops. Buy online at

behind the brand

Seed & Bean was founded eight years
ago, inspired by a love of chocolate, bold
and unusual flavours, and the founders’
shared background in organic business.
The reason for the company’s name is
simple: it started out by selling a range of
chocolate-coated seeds and beans.

guaranteed to sate that
cocoa craving in just a
few pieces.

Wholefoods, quality food halls, delis, health food stores and farm shops. Buy online at


Style & substance

With a host of unusual fl avours, strong ethical credentials and top-drawer ingredients,
Seed & Bean’s chocolate does good, looks great, and tastes fantastic

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