
(Barré) #1


he current wellness trend has brought humble
nuts and seeds into the limelight as gourmet
ingredients – and rightly so. Gratifyingly
versatile with an indulgent richness, they lend
themselves to a myriad of dishes both savoury and sweet.
Nuts and seeds hide many talents under their skins, and
are an excellent source of nutrients and minerals. And the
fact that they’re free from gluten, wheat and dairy makes
them ideal for those with intolerances, or who choose to
follow paleo, vegan, or many other special diets.
The store cupboard heroes can be blended into
smoothies to deepen fl avour, sprinkled over salads to lend
texture and crunch, or fi nely ground for a nutritious take
on a tart crust. Nuts and seeds add moisture to baked goods,
improving crumb tenderness and extending their keeping
qualities. For an extra rich nu  iness, toast before you grind. 67


Food writer and blogger Natalie Seldon shares her passion for
nuts and seeds with a host of delicious vegetarian recipes

Tropical chia

layer dessert 

V / GF / DF
If I could bo le the aromas
of tropical heaven, then
create a dessert out of
them, this would be it. With
its delightful contrast of
textures, it’s a real feast for
the senses – a simple yet
impressive way to taste a
li le bit of paradise. 
Serves 2–4
For the chia layer

  • 400ml can coconut milk

  • 4 tbsp desiccated coconut

  • 4 tbsp white chia seeds

  • 1 tbsp vanilla bean paste
    or extract
    For the tropical layer

  • 1 ripe mango, peeled, stoned,
    and chopped into chunks

  • 1 tbsp coconut-almond or
    almond butter

  • 3 tbsp maple syrup

  • 1 thumb-sized piece of fresh
    ginger, peeled and roughly

  • 1 lime, zest and juice

  • 4 passionfruit, seeds and pulp
    To serve

  • 1–2 passionfruit, halved

  • 1 tbsp coconut (fl akes or
    desiccated), toasted


  1. For the chia layer, mix
    together the coconut milk,
    desiccated coconut, chia seeds
    and vanilla in a jug or bowl and
    leave to thicken.

  2. For the tropical layer, put the
    mango fl esh, nut butter, maple
    syrup, ginger and lime zest and
    juice in a high-speed blender
    and process until smooth,
    then remove and stir in the
    passionfruit seeds.

  3. Spoon half the chia mixture
    into the base of two large (or
    four small) glasses or bowls.
    Cover with half the fruit mixture,
    then repeat the layers.

  4. Top each dessert with half a
    passionfruit and some coconut,
    and serve.

Veggie_MATTCathy ZP.indd 67 03/04/2017 20:51
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