Australian Homespun — May 2017

(Jeff_L) #1
Step 18 Rose detail

Diagram 1

Dandelion detail


Sew the male half of the sew-
on magnetic clip to the lining:
centre it between the left and right
edges on the lining side of the pocket
with its top edge about^33 ⁄ 4 in down
from the top edge. Work the stitches
through the lining and batting only,
so that they don’t show on the front
of the pocket.


For the smaller pocket, arrange
nine 2^1 ⁄ 2 in assorted squares in
three rows of three, mixing the prints
in a pleasing way. Join the squares as
described in Step 10. It should measure
61 ⁄ 2 in square, raw edge to raw edge.


With right sides together,
match the 6^1 ⁄ 2 x7^1 ⁄ 2 in fl oral print
rectangle to the edge of the square
that you want to be towards the top of
the pocket and stitch the seam. Press
the seam towards the fl oral print
fabric. With right sides together, roll

the seam over about^1 ⁄ 2 in towards the
patchwork side so that all three edges
match around the rest of the square.
Sew around the three sides, leaving
an opening on one side for turning.


Clip the corners, turn the
square right side out and press
it flat. There should be a trim of floral
print fabric along one edge of the
patchwork square. Turn in the
opening edges and hand stitch them
closed neatly. Stitch in the ditch below
the floral trim as you did in Step 14.

Bag assembly


Centre a 17^1 ⁄ 2 x14^1 ⁄ 2 in bag
rectangle right side up on a 18
x 15in rectangle of foam batting and
pin the layers together. Using the
walking foot, machine quilt as
desired and baste around the edges.
Minki quilted parallel vertical lines
2in apart on her bag. Repeat this step
for the other bag rectangle. Trim the
batting level with the fabric.


Transfer the rose design from
the Pattern Sheet onto one of
the quilted rectangles, positioning it
4in from the top and 3^1 ⁄ 4 in from the
right edge, as shown in Diagram 1.


Thread the top of the machine
with grey 12-weight thread
and fit the embroidery foot. Stitch
over the outlines by machine. (Minki
says that you could backstitch the
design by hand instead if you prefer.)


Transfer the dandelion design
from the Pattern Sheet to the
second quilted bag rectangle, 2^1 ⁄ 2 in
from the top and right side edges.

Stitch over the lines as before, fi lling
a few of the circles completely.


Centre the small pocket over
the bottom of the rose stem
with the trim at the top edge, as
shown in Diagram 2. Using the^1 ⁄ 4 in
foot, machine topstitch down one
side of the pocket, across the bottom
and up the other side, reversing on
the trim at the start and end.


On the dandelion side of the
bag, lay the large pocket over
the bag rectangle with the side and



Handle ends

86 Homespun

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