Business Franchise Australia & New Zealand — May-June 2017

(Nora) #1

  1. create a high performance


A high performance culture is reflected in
the commitment people bring to deliberately
striving to achieve ambitious goals. Creating
an environment in which people are inspired
and enabled to be at their best, and win, as
a team is essential to getting the best from
your best. Start by defining values and
behaviours that reflect the organisations
desire to excel. Clearly articulate what it
takes to be regarded as successful in your
business. Value not only what people achieve
but also equally how they go about it. In
other words, make behaviour matter and
hold yourself and others accountable to the
expectations you set.

  1. set meaningful goals and

enable learning

The high achievers on your team are most
likely to be motived to achieve goals that are
meaningful to the success of team, business
or their career. Start by understanding
what they hope to achieve both now and
in the future. Understand also how these
aspirations align with the needs of your
business and how you are able to provide
opportunities for learning.

  1. recognise and reward


Unsurprisingly high achievers like to
know when they have achieved, and to
be recognised for the standard of their
contribution. Most place importance on

knowing how they are tracking relative to
agreed targets. They want to know how
they are going and will typically adjust their
approach if necessary to ensure they get

  1. manage poor performers
    A common reason high achievers decide
    to leave a business is frustration with poor
    performing team members getting away
    with substandard contributions. Disgruntled
    high achievers often complain that they are
    expected to pick up the slack for those who
    aren’t doing their fair share.
    Take a disciplined and courageous approach
    to addressing poor performance. Act
    with compassion, but never hesitate to
    have the honest conversations needed to
    address issues. Give underperformers every
    opportunity to succeed and then hold them
    accountable for the standard of performance
    they are able to achieve.
    Getting the best from your best requires
    that you act as not only a manager but also
    coach and mentor. Get to know your high

achievers; what they want, what they are
good at and how they can still learn and
grow. Understand how their mind, emotions,
skills and experience each influence
their potential and success. Build strong
relationships built on a foundation of trust
and respect. Aim to influence the choices
they make and success they are ultimately
able to create.

Karen Gately is a leadership and people-
management specialist and a founder of
Ryan Gately. Karen works with leaders
and HR teams to drive business results
through the talent and energy of people.
She is the author of The People Manager’s
Toolkit: A Practical guide to getting
the best from people (Wiley) and The
Corporate dojo: driving extraordinary
results through spirited people.
For more information email or visit:
[email protected]

“the fundamentals of funding a franchise
business have not changed over the years
however the financial management tools and
information available from the internet and
other sources have expanded.”

Karen gately | Founder | ryan Gately


Food & Bever


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