Business Franchise Australia & New Zealand — May-June 2017

(Nora) #1

WhAt should i exPect F rom

mY sociAl mediA eFF ort?

Social media is a communication platform,
a way to keep in touch with customers while
also informing them about the business, the
industry and any other news that is relevant
because of your business.

Some general social media objectives for a new
franchisee business should include:

  • Engaging with customers and encouraging
    two way communication;

  • Educating customers on your brand
    differences to competitors;

    • Building trust with prospective customers;

    • Gaining more understanding of customers
      and what they are interested in to drive
      other marketing campaigns.
      If you are looking to social media to boost
      your business, understand that for most
      businesses, social media is an influence to a
      sale, just one place a potential customer will
      go to find out about your business.

WhAt do i Post oN sociAl
Think you’ve got nothing to say or post? Here
are a few layers of posts that you can share to
your fans and followers on social media that
are relevant and interesting to them.
Corporate – Share franchise news about the
brand you are representing including any
interesting news at a corporate level such as
sponsorships, awards etc. Use this style of
post sparingly, it can be seen as a little self-
Product – New product news or product
updates are always of interest to those
following you. Make these interesting and link
back to where they can get in touch to order.
Community – You are the representative of
your brand in your local area, so it stands to
reason local news is of interest to your fans
and followers. Include local customer stories,
local community support you are involved in
and local franchisee news about yourself.
Customer interest – This content is of great
interest to your followers and encourages
sharing of your content. This can include
promotions, comparisons and reviews as well
as ‘how to’ videos for example.
When in doubt, stick to the 80 / 20 rule – 80
per cent tips, tricks, helpful or entertaining
posts, 20 per cent company or product.

hoW to Post oN sociAl
Posting on your own personal social media
accounts is very different to representing your
business. Always have your business hat on,

and remember, if you wouldn’t speak to your
customers in this way in person, don’t speak to
them in that way via social media.
Here are some small tips to help you keep your
posts professional.

  • URL Shorteners in Blog and Social Media

    • Measurable and saves valuable posting

  • Always link content back to the website.

  • Think mobile – is the content you have
    posted relevant for mobile?

  • Respond quickly, respond to everyone and
    give everyone the benefit of the doubt.

  • Be brief – Limit Facebook posts to 80
    characters and under, Twitter to 130
    characters and under.

  • Be visual – Images are more likely to get
    shared, retweeted and opened across all
    social media.
    In the world of franchisee marketing and
    social media, the absolute key takeaway is
    to embrace this business, wholly and solely.
    Don’t just rely on the marketing activities of
    the brand, regardless of how effective they are.
    They have a different agenda to you.
    This is your business opportunity, own it in
    every way you can.

Joe Papadatos is Managing director of Icon
Visual Marketing, a full service marketing
agency that for over twelve years has been
equipping businesses with the marketing
and sales tools to help them reach their next
Icon Visual Marketing are highly
experienced at strategically planning and
building robust marketing hubs that help
franchisors deliver the right marketing
tools and resources to their franchisees.
1300 138 984
[email protected]

“social media is just another form of networking, and it’s one that
you need to be involved in if your business is to grow. in fact, it’s
arguably the biggest networking opportunity your business can
take advantage of in this digital era.”
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