Master Builders Western Australia — May-June 2017

(avery) #1

Acknowledging the support of our 2017 Partners:

A fresh approach

Mark McGowan and the Labor Party
surprised everyone with the magnitude of their
resounding victory in the State election on 11
March. Congratulations to Mr McGowan on
becoming WA’s thirtieth Premier, and to his
team in forming our next State Government.

The eight-and-a-half-year period of the
Barnett Government will be remembered most
favourably for the infrastructure that was, and
is being, constructed. Hospitals such as the
Fiona Stanley, Midland, Perth Children’s and in
regional areas and public infrastructure such
as Perth Arena, Elizabeth Quay, Perth Stadium,
Kings Square and the Airport Gateway have
enhanced Perth signifi cantly.

But it was time for a change and a fresh
approach. Mr McGowan campaigned long
and hard in pursuit of a long list of policies that
Labor intended to pursue if it won the election.
Now that it has (convincingly), it has a clear
mandate to implement its reform agenda.

Master Builders believes the building industry
will play an important role in assisting the
McGowan Government to get the economy
moving again. Many of Labor’s promises will
rely on our industry for their ultimate success.

It is pleasing that Labor supports the $
boost in the First Home Owners Grant to
$15,000 for the duration of the 2017 calendar
year. Likewise, we are pleased that Labor
supports the extension to Keystart’s income
eligibility criteria which will assist hundreds
more West Australians to fast track deposits to
buy their own homes.

An obstacle in getting homes built quicker,
however, is the planning approvals process. It
is encouraging, having met Mr McGowan and
some of his team prior to the election, that
they recognise the importance of streamlining
this process with a view to eventually
implementing a workable private certifi cation
regime. In addition, there needs to be greater
accountability for local councils in respect to
their decision making, and further measures
for the Department of Planning to have
greater involvement in providing direction on
planning matters.

Other policy announcements from Labor that
have pleased builders include capping fees
for TAFE students, more reasonable bushfi re
regulations, an infrastructure advisory body
to Government and extending Buy Local
incentives to foster suppliers and local skilled
labour in regional towns.

However, like other industry groups, we have
concerns about the impact that imposing a
four per cent additional stamp duty tax on
foreign investors would have on the building
and property industries. With WA not having
such a surcharge, it provides us with a healthy
competitive advantage over other States.
Implementing the surcharge would erode
this advantage.

On subcontractors not being paid their lawful
entitlements, Master Builders understands
Labor’s concerns. However, we are alarmed
that the Labor Party is contemplating project

bank accounts for the housing industry. This
would be a disastrous policy and completely
unworkable. There must be a focus on
improving housing affordability, not increasing
red tape.

The Labor Party has announced a range
of major infrastructure and public works
construction projects, the biggest one being
Metronet. These projects will be well received
by builders who are currently operating well
below capacity.

A review of the housing indemnity insurance
regime should be one of Labor’s high priorities
if it is serious about housing affordability and
curtailing debt.

The transition from an outgoing to a new
government also provides challenges and
surprises. It is in our members’ interests that
we provide as much feedback as possible to
the new Labor Government as it settles into
offi ce and rolls out its policies.

We are particularly interested in how the
McGowan Government tackles the recently
introduced Code of Practice aimed at dealing
with unlawful industrial relations practices
and security of payment issues. Occupational
health and safety also will be an important
issue to monitor as the union movement often
sees safety as an effective Trojan horse to enter
work-places to cause mischief.

Congratulations Mark McGowan on your
election as Premier and to the Labor Party
in forming government. We hope the next
four years will be an enjoyable ride with
many mutually successful outcomes for the
betterment of our languishing economy.

Robert Spadaccini

Insurance Partner

Robert Spadaccini




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