Australasian Science — May-June 2017

(C. Jardin) #1
sion flawed, as the only choice participants were free to make
was the timing of a single action.
Recently another team performed a similar experiment, but
here participants had a choice to use their left or right hand to
push a button. These scientists used fMRI to drum in on neural
activity in the parietal cortex, the area of the brain responsible for
processes prior to the final movement command. They claimed
they were able to predict the side chosen at above chance levels
as early as 7 seconds before participants were aware of their deci-
sion ( This is a controversial view-
point at odds with our everyday experience that we have complete
agency over what we do and when we do it.
Although we don’t ever encounter anything to suggest that
free will is an illusion, its properties are malleable. In another
experimental paradigm, participants click a mouse and a light
flashes on the screen in front of them (
hywuere). There is a short delay between the click and the flash.
The task is repeated many times to strengthen the expectation
that clicking the mouse causes the flash. In the test trials the delay
is dramatically reduced without the participants’ knowledge.
Remarkably, participants now judge the light as occurring
before the click.
Having participated in a similar experiment myself, I still felt
that my click caused the light to flash, even though I perceived
the flash preceding the click. This paradox is testament to the
strength of the illusion of free will, that even when we are presented
with sensory input shouting determinism we choose free will.

Time Creates Space?
Adaptation paradigms are also well-suited to investigating how
our brain maps space, in particular the skin. These maps of our
body form enable us to make accurate movements. When adja-
cent locations on the skin are stimulated at around the same
time, they come to be represented adjacently in the brain. The
more times this coincident stimulation occurs, the stronger the
neural connections become. Thus, to map space, we rely on
assumptions about the statistical properties of stimuli hitting
the skin. Part of the reason this occurs is that we have poor spatial
resolution on the skin but excellent temporal resolution.
Our own experiments have probed further to elucidate the
mechanisms of how motion, rather than discrete touch, influ-
ences the mapping of space by the brain. We exploited the
tunnel effect: when a moving object passes behind something
and returns out the other side quicker than expected it is still
perceived as a single object and not some other object. However,
the “object constancy” gained from the tunnel effect comes at
the cost of influencing the brain’s map of space.
When we used a similar setup on the skin (Fig. 1), partici-
pants felt that the untouched skin patch covered by a band
(equivalent to the tunnel) had shrunk. Participants had felt

the brush along the entire length of their forearm, but their
forearm felt shorter.
Our constant velocity model showed that the speed before
and after the band can predict the distance of the missed patch
sensed by participants. That is, the brain uses the known param-
eters – the crossing time and the speed – to calculate the
unknown distance of the missed skin patch (velocity × time),
thus influencing their sense of spatial resolution on the skin.
A similar mechanism is responsible for the failure to see your
eyes move when you shift your gaze from one eye to the other
in a mirror. The sensory information hitting your retina during
this eye movement (a saccade) is suppressed due to its low
quality, so what you perceive during the saccade is actually an
estimate using information from each end of the saccade.
Although this mechanism distorts space–time, it stabilises
our visual field, which is important given we make tens of thou-
sands of saccades every day. This bias is also why, when you
first gaze at a clock, the second hand can appear eerily frozen
for a moment.

Many Clocks
Until recently a clock model of time perception dominated
the field. The main concept of this model was that there was one
clock in the brain. It had a counter, an accumulator and a switch.
The counter generated pulses at regular intervals, which were

26 ||MAY/JUNE 2017

Figure 1. A soft paintbrush is moved back-and-forth along the
forearm. It moves at 15 cm/s, but in the middle 10 cm it moves at
100 cm/s. The brush is not felt in this 10 cm space as a band
occludes the brush from skin contact. The sensation of the brush
on the middle skin patch is perceptually “filled in” from the
traversing motion. Participants commented that they felt the
brush in a continuous motion along their arm, and that their arm
felt shorter.
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