Australasian Science — May-June 2017

(C. Jardin) #1

4 ||MAY/JUNE 2017







5 Up Front
Gender bias in science is found not only in pay and seniority but also
in the peer review process.

6 Browse
A round-up of science news from our shores.

41 Neuropsy
Some readers “hear” characters speaking to them, even when the
book is finished.

42 Directions
Research priorities can place a greater emphasis on inputs than the
potential outcomes.

43 Fossil File
The discovery of a diverse range of dinosaur tracks fills in a huge
gap that tells us what kinds of dinosaurs once inhabited Australia
during the first quarter of the Cretaceous period.

44 The Bitter Pill
When the great Dutch scholar Erasmus famously wrote that
“prevention is better than cure” around 500 years ago, he didn’t
exactly have orthomolecular medicine and high colonics in mind.

45 The Naked Skeptic
A caustic paste can dissolve the authority of regulators more
effectively than its purported use against cancer cells.

46 EcoLogic
Economics has a lot to offer ecological restoration. A greater
engagement with economics would enhance the likelihood of
success for many restoration efforts.

47 Lowe Tech
A 100% renewable energy system using pumped hydro can store
enough power for peak demand at a competitive price to fossil

48 Out of this World
Fast radio bursts have been detected near Canberra, and now you
can join the hunt for a ninth planet in our solar system.

49 Quandary
If moral bioenhancement of psychopaths becomes obligatory, who
will benchmark standards?

50 Australasian Sky
Your maps of the night sky for May and June.
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