Australian Knitting — Volume 9 Issue 2 2017

(backadmin) #1

Australian Knitting 19

Row 2: P2, K2, P2, rep from to end.
Row 3: Knit.
Row 4 and 5: As 2nd and 3rd rows.
Row 6: As 2nd row.
Row 7: K1, TWL, TWR, rep from to
last st, K1.
Row 8: As 2nd row.
Row 9: Knit.
Row 10: K2, P2, K2, rep from to
Row 11 and 12: As 9th and 10th
Rows 1 to 12 incl form patt.
Cont in patt until Back measures 10
(13, 16, 19) cm from beg, working
last row on WS.
Tie a coloured thread at each end of
last row to mark beg of armholes as
there is no armhole shaping. **
Cont in patt until armholes measure 6
(7, 8, 9) cm from coloured threads,
working last row on wrong side.

Divide For Back Opening
Next Row: Patt 29 (33, 37, 41), turn.
Cont on these 29 (33, 37, 41) sts for
right side of back opening.
Cont in patt until armhole measures
11 (12, 13, 14) cm from coloured
thread, working last row on WS.

Shape Shoulder
Cast off 6 (7, 8, 9) sts at beg of next
row and foll alt row, then 5 (6, 7, 8)
sts at beg of foll alt row.
Work 1 row.
Leave rem 12 (13, 14, 15) sts on a
stitch, holder for neckband.
With RS facing, join yarn to rem sts,
patt to end.
Cont on these 29 (33, 37, 41) sts for
left side of back opening.
Cont in patt until armhole measures
11 (12, 13, 14) cm from coloured
thread, ending with same patt row as
right side of back opening.
Work 1 row.

Shape Shoulder
Cast off 6 (7, 8, 9) sts at beg of next
row and foll alt row, then 5 (6, 7, 8)
sts at beg of foll alt row.

Leave rem 12 (13, 14, 15) sts on a
stitch, holder.

Work as for Back to **.
Cont in patt until there are 14 (14,
16, 16) rows fewer than Back to beg
of shoulder shaping, working last row
on WS.

Shape Neck
Next Row: Patt 24 (27, 31, 34) sts,
Cont on these 24 (27, 31, 34) sts for
left side of front neck.
Keeping patt correct, dec one st at
neck edge in every row 4 times, then
in every foll alt row 3 (3, 4, 4) times.
17 (20, 23, 26) sts.
Work 3 rows.

Shape Shoulder
Cast off 6 (7, 8, 9) sts at beg of
next row and foll alt row.
Work 1 row.
Cast off rem 5 (6, 7, 8) sts.
Slip next 10 (12, 12, 14) sts
onto stitch, holder and leave for
Join yarn to rem sts and patt to end.
Cont on these 24 (27, 31, 34) sts for
right side of front neck.
Keeping patt correct, dec one st at
neck edge in every row 4 times, then
in every foll alt row 3 (3, 4, 4) times.
17 (20, 23, 26) sts.
Work 4 rows.

Shape Shoulder
Cast off 6 (7, 8, 9) sts at beg of next
row and foll alt row.
Work 1 row.
Cast off rem 5 (6, 7, 8) sts.

Using 3.25mm needles, cast on 30
(34, 34, 38) sts.
Row 1: RS - Knit.
Row 2: K2, * P2, K2, rep from * to
Rep 1st and 2nd rows once.
Change to 4.00mm needles.

Beg Patt
Work 2 rows patt as for Back.
Cont in patt and working extra sts into
patt, inc one st at each end of next
row, then in every foll 2nd (2nd, 2nd,
4th) row until there are 50 (44, 42,
54) sts, then in every foll 4th (4th,
4th, 6th) row until there are 54 (58,
62, 66) sts.
Cont without shaping until Sleeve
measures 13 (16, 20, 26) cm from
beg, working last row on wrong side.
Cast off loosely in patt.

Join shoulder seams. With right side
facing and using 3.25mm needles, knit
across 12 (13, 14, 15) sts from left
back opening stitch, holder, knit up
14 (14, 16, 16) sts evenly along left
side of front neck, knit across 10 (12,
12, 14) sts from front stitch, holder,
knit up 14 (14, 16, 16) sts evenly
along right side of front neck, then knit
across 12 (13, 14, 15) sts from right
back opening stitch, holder. 62 (66,
72, 76) sts.
Work 2 rows garter st.
Cast off knitways (on wrong side).

With RS facing and using 3.25mm
needles, knit up 13 sts evenly along
right side of back opening, then 13 sts
evenly along left side of back opening,
incl ends of neckband. 26 sts.
Row 1: WS - K11, (K2tog) twice,
K11. 24 sts.
Row 2: K1, K2tog, yfwd, K7, (K2tog)
twice, K10. buttonhole.
Cast off rem 22 sts knitways (on
wrong side).

Do not press. Sew in sleeves evenly
between coloured threads, placing
centre of sleeve to shoulder seam. Join
side and sleeve seams. Sew on button.

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