Australian Knitting — Volume 9 Issue 2 2017

(backadmin) #1

Australian Knitting 29

Round 8: Knit all 128 sts and move
markers up as you go.
Round 9: (K1, yo, k30, yo k1, place
marker) 4 times. 136 sts.
Round 10: Knit all 136 sts and move
markers up as you go.
Round 11: (K1, yo, k32, yo k1, place
marker) 4 times. 144 sts.
Round 12: Purl all 144 sts and move
markers up as you go.
Round 13: (K1, yo, k34, yo k1, place
marker) 4 times. 152 sts.
Round 14: Purl all 152 sts and move
markers up as you go.
Round 15: (K1, yo, k36, yo k1, place
marker) 4 times. 160 sts.
Round 16: Knit all 160 sts and move
markers up as you go.
Round 17: K1, cast off loosely
78 sts knitwise (check that there
are still 82 sts on needle in total), k
further 39 sts, yo k1, place marker,
k1, yo, k40 (yes, that first st of this
round has just been knitted again).
84 sts.
Cont to use circular needle back and
forth, or if desired change to knitting
Row 1: WS - Purl all 84 sts and move
marker up as you go.
Row 2: RS - K41, yo, k1, place
marker, k1, yo, k41. 86 sts.
Row 3: WS - Purl all 86 sts and move
marker up as you go.
Row 4: RS - K42, yo, k1, place
marker, k1, yo, k42. 88 sts.
Row 5: WS - Purl all 88 sts and move
marker up as you go.
Row 6: RS - (K2, p2) 10 times, k2,
p1, yo, k1, place marker, k1, yo, p1,
k2, (p2, k2) 10 times. 90 sts.
Row 7: WS - (P2, k2) 11 times, p1,
move marker, p1, (k2, p2) 11 times.
Row 8: RS - (K2, p2) 11 times, yo,
k1, place marker, k1, yo, (p2, k2) 11
times. 92 sts.
Row 9: WS - (P2, k2) 11 times, p2,
move marker, p2, (k2, p2) 11 times.

Row 10: RS - (K2, p2) 11 times, k1,
yo, k1, place marker, k1, yo, k1, (p2,
k2) 11 times. 94 sts.
Row 11: WS - (P2, k2) 11 times, p3,
move marker, p3, (k2, p2) 11 times.
Cast off loosely in rib (ensure corner
is not pulling down).

Join squares using diagram as
placement and direction guide.

The edging has been worked using
remnants of shades at random.
With 4.50mm straight needles and
remnant of choice, cast on 7 sts.
Garter Stitch (= knit every row) until
near end of this shade, join in next
remnant and cont in this manner until
edging fits around entire edge of

afghan; do not break yarn and do not
cast off but place sts on holder.
With RS facing of afghan and edging
facing each other, sew (or crochet
slip stitch) the edging between the
first and 2nd stitch/row in from very
edge; keep checking for placement
and evenness as you progress; gather
a couple garter stitch rows in the
corners to allow neat flow around it.
Work in this manner to end and adjust
final edging length if required, then
cast off and join.

Fold edging over to the back of afghan
and evenly stitch in place.

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