Australian Knitting — Volume 9 Issue 2 2017

(backadmin) #1

Australian Knitting 37

Row 2: WS - P1; k1, p1; rep from
to end.
Rib 6 (6, 8, 8) more rows.
Next Row: RS - K13 (16, 15, 18) sts;
p3, k3 (3, 5, 5) M1, k2 (2, 3, 3), p3,
k2, p5 (5, 7, 7), k2, p3, k2 (2, 3, 3),
M1, k3 (3, 5, 5), p3, k13 (16, 15,
18). 59 (65, 71, 77) sts.
Next Row: WS - P13 (16, 15, 18)
sts; k3, p6 (6, 9, 9), k3, p2, k5 (5, 7,
7), p2, k3, p6 (6, 9, 9), k3, p13 (16,
15, 18).

Beg Cable Pattern
Row 1: RS - K13 (16, 15, 18) sts;
p3, k6 (6, 9, 9), p3, k2, p5 (5, 7, 7),
k2, p3, k6 (6, 9, 9), p3, k13 (16, 15,
Row 2: WS - P13 (16, 15, 18) sts;
k3, p6 (6, 9, 9), k3, p2, k5 (5, 7, 7),
p2, k3, p6 (6, 9, 9), k3, p13 (16, 15,
Row 3: K13 (16, 15, 18) sts; p3,
C4B (C4B, C6B, C6B), k2 (2, 3, 3),
p3, k2, p5 (5, 7, 7), k2, p3, k2 (2,
3, 3), C4F (C4F, C6F, C6F), p3, k13
(16, 15, 18).
Row 4: As row 2.
Row 5: As row 1.
Row 6: As row 2.
Row 7: K13 (16, 15, 18) sts; p3, k2
(2, 3, 3), C4F (C4F, C6F, C6F), p3,
k2, p5 (5, 7, 7), k2, p3, C4B (C4B,
C6B, C6B), k2 (2, 3, 3), p3, k13 (16,
15, 18).
Row 8: As row 2.
Rep these 8 rows throughout for patt;
patt until piece measures 25 (29, 33,
37) cm from beg, end with a WS row.
Next Row: RS - Cast off loosely 15
(18, 20, 22) sts, patt to the first cable
and work the 6 (6, 9, 9) cable sts
as following: patt 2 (2, 4, 4), k2tog,
patt 2 (2, 3, 3); patt to the 2nd cable
and work the 6 (6, 9, 9) cable sts as
following: patt 2 (2, 3, 3), k2tog, patt
2 (2, 4, 4); patt to end.
Next Row: WS - Cast off loosely
15 (18, 20, 22) sts, patt to end
(remember there are now only 5 (5,
8, 8) sts to p for the cable).
Leave these rem 27 (27, 29, 31) sts
on hold for back neck.

Note: For Girls garment work Left
Front first and for Boys garment
work Right Front first; then place
button markers, the first one 2 rows
below neck sts holder, the last one
5cm/2ins from cast on edge and the
rem 2 (2, 3, 3) evenly in between.

Buttonhole row note for Boys garment
only: Work buttonholes opposite
markers on RS row as following: Patt
to last 4 (4, 5, 5) sts, yo twice, skp,
p2 (2, 3, 3) sts. On next WS row p
into first yo and drop second yo off
With 4.00mm needles, cast on 32
(36, 39, 41) sts.
Row 1: RS - K1; (p1, k1) 12 (14, 15,
16) times; p7 (7, 8, 8).
Row 2: WS - P8 (8, 9, 9); (k1, p1)
12 (14, 15, 16) times.
Rep last 2 rows 3 (3, 4, 4) times
more rows and inc 1 (0, 0, 1) st at
centre of last row to 33 (36, 39, 42)
Next Row: RS - K13 (16, 15, 18) sts;
p3, k3 (3, 5, 5) M1, k2 (2, 3, 3), p3,
k2, p7 (7, 8, 8). 34 (37, 40, 43) sts.
Next Row: WS - P7 (7, 8, 8) sts; p2,
k3, p6 (6, 9, 9), k3, p13 (16, 15,

Beg Cable Pattern
Row 1: RS - K13 (16, 15, 18) sts;
p3, k6 (6, 9, 9), p3, k2, p7 (7, 8, 8).
Row 2: WS - P7 (7, 8, 8) sts; p2, k3,
p6 (6, 9, 9), k3, p13 (16, 15, 18).
Row 3: K13 (16, 15, 18) sts; p3,
C4B (C4B, C6B, C6B), k2 (2, 3, 3),
p3, k2, p7 (7, 8, 8).
Row 4: As row 2.
Row 5: As row 1.
Row 6: As row 2.
Row 7: K13 (16, 15, 18) sts; p3, k2
(2, 3, 3), C4F (C4F, C6F, C6F), p3,
k2, p7 (7, 8, 8).
Row 8: As row 2.
Rep these 8 rows throughout for
Keeping buttonhole placements correct
for Boys garment, patt until piece
measures 20 (24, 27, 31) cm from
beg, end with a WS row.

Shape Neck
Next Row: RS - Patt to last 9 (9, 10,
10) sts, turn (leave those rem 9 (9,
10, 10) sts on holder for neckband).
Cont in patt and dec 1 st at neck edge
next 10 (10, 10, 11) rows. 15 (18,
20, 22) sts.
Patt straight until front meas same as
back to shoulder, end with a WS row.
Cast off loosely.

Buttonhole row note for Girls
garment only: Work buttonholes
opposite markers on RS row as
following: P2 (2, 3, 3), k2tog, yo
twice, patt to end. On next WS row p
into first yo and drop second yo off
With 4.00mm needles, cast on 32
(36, 39, 41) sts.
Row 1: RS - P7 (7, 8, 8); k1; (p1,
k1) 12 (14, 15, 16) times.
Row 2: WS – (K1, p1) 12 (14, 15,
16) times; p8 (8, 9, 9).
Rep last 2 rows 3 (3, 4, 4) times
more rows and inc 1 (0, 0, 1) st at
centre of last row to 33 (36, 39,
42) sts.
Next Row: RS - P7 (7, 8, 8); k2, p3,
k2 (2, 3, 3), M1, k3 (3, 5, 5); p3,
k13 (16, 15, 18) sts. 34 (37, 40,
43) sts.
Next Row: WS - P13 (16, 15, 18); k3,
p6 (6, 9, 9), k3, p2; p7 (7, 8, 8) sts.

Beg Cable Pattern
Row 1: RS - P7 (7, 8, 8); k2, p3, k6
(6, 9, 9), p3; k13 (16, 15, 18) sts.
Row 2: WS - P13 (16, 15, 18) sts;
k3, p6 (6, 9, 9), k3, p2; p7 (7, 8,
Row 3: RS - P7 (7, 8, 8); k2, p3, k2
(2, 3, 3), C4F (C4F, C6F, C6F), p3;
k13 (16, 15, 18) sts.
Row 4: As row 2.
Row 5: As row 1.
Row 6: As row 2.
Row 7: P7 (7, 8, 8); k2, p3, C4B
(C4B, C6B, C6B), k2 (2, 3, 3) p3;
k13 (16, 15, 18) sts.
Row 8: As row 2.
Rep these 8 rows throughout for
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