Women’s Fitness Australia — May 2017

(WallPaper) #1
one task at a time. When you do check
your inbox, “be fully present while reading
an email, not pulled in fi ve di erent
directions,” Smith says.
Conscious breathing will help you
resist distractions and stay calm when
work is piling up, Hoang adds. “Deep
breathing is super benefi cial – it sends
a psychological signal to the brain to relax
and slow down,” she explains. “We tend to
breathe very shallowly or hold our breath
when we are stressed, so simply taking
three deep breaths can do wonders.”
Even heading out for your morning
co ee or lunch break is an opportunity to
tune in – as long as you leave your phone
behind. Swapping one screen for another
won’t leave you refreshed, but focusing
on how your latte tastes and absorbing
the world around you will. “Mindfulness is
about getting in contact with the senses,
so anything that helps you connect with

sounds, smell, sight, taste or touch can help
you become more present,” Hoang reveals.
“Try burning a scented candle and playing
soothing music at work, or putting away
the phone on the morning commute and
just focusing on what you see and hear.”

One more powerful way to get mindfulness
working for you at work is to apply the
concept to your interactions with colleagues.
“People who practise mindfulness are
better able to manage confl ict and can
communicate more e ectively,” says Smith.
“Mindfulness allows us to have a broader
perspective on situations – when we are
fully present, we can take a step back and
consider other perspectives, and respond
more appropriately, with compassion.”
If your brain is used to operating on
overdrive, it might take some practice –
but it’s a great way to build your mindful

muscle. “Listen to another person fully
and completely, without planning what
to say next or worrying about something
on your to-do list,” tips Smith. Taking
a few conscious breaths before entering
a team meeting can help get your mind
in the right place, and if your workmates
are up for it, you could even try doing it
together. “When a group learns about
and practises mindfulness together, there
is a sense of ‘we are all in this together’,”
Smith explains. “Shifts in culture can
occur – there is often a greater sense
of authenticity and openness, compassion
and feeling supported.”
Less stress, more connection...
Mondays never looked so good.


Download these apps
for a calmer workday

This app rings a bell at
random times, reminding you
to pause and check in with
your breath. Free, iTunes

Get started on your mindful
journey with meditations and
a program for staying present
at work. Free, iTunes
& Google Play

If you just can’t break your
Facebook habit, this desktop
app will block it out. Free,

Love this? Search for more like it on
womensfi tness.com.au

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