The bad news: As we grow older, our
bone mineral density decreases, which makes
our bones hella weak. The good news: If you’d like
to keep your skeleton in tip-top shape, you can fi ll
your plate with anti-infl ammatory foods to do so.
Researchers from Ohio State University found that
compared to women who nosh on infl ammation-
boosting feasts (think refi ned carbs, sugary drinks and
anything deep-fried), those who frequently munch
on anti-infl ammatory foods (such as fruit and
veg, whole grains and healthy fats)
experience fewer drops in their bone
density levels. So stock up on the
good stu , ASAP.
Helping hand
Here’s an uncomfortable fact: Every
month, 46,000 homeless women in
Australia go without sanitary care.
But if you grab yourself a pack of
tampons from Gift Box, you can
help lower that statistic since with
every purchase, a pack will
be donated to a woman in need.
Better yet, sign up for a subscription
service and not only will you
regularly help a sister out, you’ll also
never be up the creek without
a metaphorical paddle again...
Gift Box One For One Organic
Tampons, from $7.95,
(Don’t) sleep on it
Your mum said it, your grandma probably said it and now science is saying it,
too: Never go to bed angry. If you do, research published in the journal Nature
Communications has found that you’re more likely to remember whatever it was
that put you in the bad mood to begin with. Given your brain consolidates memories
while you snooze, hitting the sack straight after an emotional event will make it
harder to forget the next day, as it’ll be lodged in your long-term memory. If you
resolve the issue fi rst, though, you’ll have a better shot at moving on, so the next
time you have a massive blow-up with your BF, bestie or Wi-Fi provider, try to
work it out (or at least calm down) before you clock some ZZZs.
a metaphorical paddle again... a metaphorical paddle again...
Gift Box One For One Organic Gift Box One For One Organic
Tampons, from $7.95, womensfitnessaustralia @womensfitnessmag @womensfitnessau 19